女服务员(墓雕像)_Female Attendant (Tomb Figurine) 21430
塔的顶级故事(墓模型)_Top Story of a Tower (Tomb Model) 12028
Jar(Hu)与山中的Equestrians和Animals_Jar (Hu) with Equestrians and Animals amid Mountains 12072
矩形井口_Rectangular Wellhead 57681
棺材的模型与图_Model of a Coffin with Figures 29715
对墓室门_Pair of Tomb Chamber Doors 12786
带环形把手的球形罐_Globular Jar with Ring Handles 80896
与马,凤凰和老虎的三角砖_Triangular Brick with Horse, Phoenix, and Tigers 91967
人形灯_Lamp of Human Form 42252
猪圈与塔_Pigsty with Tower 8723
双头龟形式的“砚”_“Inkstone” in the Form of a Double-Headed Turtle 51825