带有山形盖子的圆柱形罐子_Cylindrical Jar with Mountain-Shaped Lid 25207
与马,凤凰和老虎的三角砖_Triangular Brick with Horse, Phoenix, and Tigers 91967
方形罐(芳湖)_Square-Sectioned Jar (Fanghu) 180536
猪圈和厕所_Pigsty and Latrines 37716
翼兽(墓图)_Winged Beast (Tomb Figure) 147007
三脚架圆柱形罐(连或尊)与生物在山丘,熊形脚_Tripod Cylindrical Jar (Lian or Zun) with Creatures Amid Hills, Bear-Shaped F
带盖(Gui)和穿孔衣领的碗形容器_Bowl-Shaped Vessel with Cover (Gui) and Pierced Collar 75920
来自Tomb Chamber的空心砖(可能是Lintel)_Hollow Brick (probably Lintel) from Tomb Chamber 21862
女服务员(墓雕像)_Female Attendant (Tomb Figurine) 21431