古代青铜罐形式的容器(胡)_Container in the Form of an Ancient Bronze Jar (hu) 14803
猪圈和厕所_Pigsty and Latrines 37716
香炉(香炉)_Incense Burner (Xianglu) 21397
与动物和数字的卵形罐子_Ovoid Jar with Animals and Figures 25214
女舞者(墓雕像)_Female Dancer (Tomb Figurine) 80916
棺材的模型与图_Model of a Coffin with Figures 29715
对墓室门_Pair of Tomb Chamber Doors 12786
带循环手柄的矩形瓶_Rectangular Bottle with Loop Handles 59446
粮仓的模型_Model of a Grain Storehouse 12013