农场棚与谷物磨_Farm Shed with Grain Mill 51834
来自Tomb Chamber的空心砖(可能是Lintel)_Hollow Brick (probably Lintel) from Tomb Chamber 21862
粮仓的模型_Model of a Grain Storehouse 12013
双头龟形式的“砚”_“Inkstone” in the Form of a Double-Headed Turtle 51825
古代青铜罐形式的容器(胡)_Container in the Form of an Ancient Bronze Jar (hu) 14803
与循环把柄的三杯碟_Three-Cupped Dish with Loop Handle 42249
带环形把手的球形罐_Globular Jar with Ring Handles 80896
对墓室门_Pair of Tomb Chamber Doors 12786
一匹马的头_Head of a Horse 28485
储物罐(胡)与狩猎场景_Storage Jar (Hu) with Hunting Scenes 12054
三脚架大锅(丁)_Tripod Caldron (Ding) 25226
山形香炉(博山香炉)_Mountain-Shaped Incense Burner (Boshan Xianglu) 12069