与循环把柄的三杯碟_Three-Cupped Dish with Loop Handle 42249
球形罐与模拟食人魔面具环手柄_Globular Jar with Mock Ogre Mask Ring Handles 21404
与动物和数字的卵形罐子_Ovoid Jar with Animals and Figures 25214
神仙骑龙:墓穴山形部分_Immortals Riding Dragons Section of a Tomb Pediment 133709
炉子与数字和几何设计_Stove with Figures and Geometric Designs 15577
一匹马的头_Head of a Horse 28485
带有山形盖子的圆柱形罐子_Cylindrical Jar with Mountain-Shaped Lid 25207
底座与蹲熊_Pedestal with Squatting Bear 61606
盘绕的猫科动物_Coiled Feline 37525
农场棚与谷物磨_Farm Shed with Grain Mill 51834
猪圈和厕所_Pigsty and Latrines 37716