
樱桃的两个分支Two Branches of Cherries
梅花科和水仙Plum Branch and Narcissus
紫藤上的鸟Birds on Wisteria
在雪的两个横渡的李子分支Two Crossed Plum Branches in Snow
双扭曲的骨骼岩Double-twisted Skeletal Rock
兰花束带Girdle of Orchids
在俯视水的银行的洋李Plum Tree on Bank Overlooking Water
长尾鸟Long-tailed Bird
芥菜种子园绘画手册,第1部分,卷。 5:风景The Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual, Part l, Vol. 5: Landscapes
金桔和岩石盘Dish of Kumquats and Rock
樱桃树枝上Cherries on a Branch
玉兰和Quince BlossomsMagnolia and Quince Blossoms
露珠兰花Orchid in Dew
鸟和蚱蜢Bird and Grasshopper
骨骼岩Skeletal Rock
徐渭观念后的兰花(1521-1593)Orchid after the Conception of Xu Wei (1521-1593)
梅花和松枝Plum and Pine Branch
老树桩和阔叶植物Old Stump and Broad-leaved Plant