演员,Iwai Hanshiro IV,与他的男仆The Actor, Iwai Hanshiro IV, With His Manservant
Oiran和她的两个Kamuro通过一个有盖的立场为消防桶Oiran and Her Two Kamuro Passing a Covered Stand for Fire Buckets
一个名妓在她的和服袖子后面说悄悄话A Courtesan Whispering Behind Her Kimono Sleeve
在夏天和服举行一个开放风扇的美A Beauty in a Summer Kimono Holding an Open Fan
爱兰读一封情书An Oiran Reading a Love Letter
两个姐妹在海边说话系列:Fu Zoku Azuma no Nishiki(当时的江户时装)Two Sisters Talking by the Sea Shore Series: Fu Zoku Az
三个美女享受哈马乔河旁边凉爽的微风Three Beauties Enjoying the Cool Breeze Beside the Hamacho River
两位演员庆祝Sogan兄弟靖国神社的节日Two actors celebrating the festival of the shrine of the Sogan Brothers
Joruri播放“Ominaeshi Sugata no Hatsuaki”(花盆花的早秋图)The Joruri Play