Tagonoura系列的场景:日本着名地方的图片Nippon Meisho Zu-yeScene at Tagonoura Series: Pictures of the Famous Places
公鸡和母鸡在花园里A Cock and Hen in a Garden
Umewaka神社的一个下雨天A Rainy Day at the Umewaka Shrine
Matsuchiyama系列的傍晚雪景:东京着名景点的真实景观东京Meisho Shinkei no UchiEvening Snow at Matsuchiyama Series: Real Vie
雨后的Tsukuda岛Tsukuda Island after Rain
Matsuchiyama系列的傍晚雪景:东京着名景点的真实景观东京Meisho Shinkei no UchiEvening Snow at Matsuchiyama Series: Real Vie
1871年1月26日在两国火灾Fire at Ryogoku, January 26, 1871
在雨中的箱根三重桥The Mie Bridge, Hakone, in the Rain
Matsuchiyama系列的傍晚雪景:东京着名景点的真实景观东京Meisho Shinkei no UchiEvening Snow at Matsuchiyama Series: Real Vie
巡回牧师受风吹袭Itinerant Priest Buffeted by the Wind
Gotenyama系列:江户五山(Edo no gozan)Gotenyama Series: Five Hills of Edo (Edo no gozan)
正面的Gojusan Tsugo Meisho Zu-ye(53个电台的图片插图)Frontispiece Gojusan Tsugo Meisho Zu-ye (Picture Illustrati