三个佛陀的手指Three Buddha's Fingers
芥菜种子园绘画手册,第1部分,卷。 4:数字和建筑物The Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual, Part l, Vol. 4: Figures and Build
多香果和竹子Allspice and Bamboo
樱桃的两个分支Two Branches of Cherries
芥菜种子园绘画手册,第1部分,卷。 1:绘画简介The Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual, Part l, Vol. 1: Introduction to Pai
香蕉树和岩石Banana Tree and Rocks
P鸟,岩石和竹子Preening Bird, Rock and Bamboo
徐渭观念后的兰花(1521-1593)Orchid after the Conception of Xu Wei (1521-1593)
莲花和叶子Lotus Blossom and Leaf
在立场的圆的骨骼岩石Round Skeletal Rock on Stand
老树桩和阔叶植物Old Stump and Broad-leaved Plant