
穿孔气缸_Perforated Cylinder 70235
服装钩_Garment Hook 70449
弧形吊坠(黄)_Arc-shaped pendant (huang) 69827
雄鹿吊坠_Stag Pendant 69328
吊坠盘_Pendant Disc 69812
阿切尔的拇指环_Archer’s thumb ring 70763
圆盘龙盘_Disc with Coiled Dragon 69804
斑块与龙设计_Plaque with Dragons Design 70268
环_Ring 70018
牌匾_Plaque 70264
狭缝圆盘(jue)_Slit Disc (jue) 70300
圆形手柄玉_Round Handle-Shaped Jade 69131
圆盘(bi)_Disc (bi) 69941
龟坠_Turtle Pendant 69288
珠子_Bead 69779
垂饰_Pendant 69798
环_Ring 69978