茶碗与“油斑”标记_Tea Bowl with “Oil Spot” Markings 193045
老虎形枕头与花卉喷雾_Tiger-Shaped Pillow with Floral Spray 21702
碗与莲花设计_Bowl with Lotus Design 21650
三脚架香炉_Tripod Censer 12517
有支持云彩状的Headdrest的男孩的枕头_Pillow with Boy Supporting a Cloud-Shaped Headdrest 132148
小球状罐与滚动的嘴唇和程式化的叶子_Small Globular Jar with Rolled Lip and Stylized Leaves 193031
与牡丹喷雾和四个男孩的菜_Dish with Peony Sprays and Four Boys 21450
花瓶与程式化的花瓣_Vase with Stylized Petals 31988