与牡丹喷雾和四个男孩的菜_Dish with Peony Sprays and Four Boys 21450
带花喷的鼓形枕头_Drum-Shaped Pillow with Floral Sprays 21632
碗与男孩玩牡丹花开_Bowl with Boys Playing amid Peony Blossoms 65889
六叶碗,竹子,牵牛花和樱花喷雾_Six-Lobed Bowl with Bamboo, Morning Glories, and Spray of Cherry Blossoms 86789
带牡丹喷雾的细长瓶花瓶(Meiping)_Elongated Bottle Vase (Meiping) with Peony Sprays 51423
带花纹花的细长卵形花瓶(眉坪)_Elongated Ovoid Vase (Meiping) with Stylized Flowers 53529
云形枕头与鱼_Cloud-Shaped Pillow with Fish 59448
圆形花盆架与三个云形的脚_Circular Flowerpot Stand with Three Cloud-Shaped Feet 12534