时代:清 高宗: 公元1736-1795年
The wall of this porcelain bowl is relatively thin, the exterior engraved with a brocade background of reddish purple glaze further decorated with sprigs of chrysanthemums to form the main motifs. Along the rim and base are rings of decorative frieze patterns. The interior walls are undecorated, but the bottom features a multi-colored chrysanthemum. The underside has a reign mark in blue enamel for "Made in the Qianlong reign." The chrysanthemum symbolizes autumn and here is combined with the brocade background, forming a type of decoration on top of a pattern that was popular in the Qianlong reign. According to Qing dynasty records from the archives of the imperial workshops, this type of porcelain bowl in painted enamels had already appeared by 1740, early in the Qianlong reign, and works in "yangcai" enamels with this kind of decorative brocade background were also fired in 1741. Surviving as one of a pair, this piece is recorded in the 1835 display archives of the Qing court. (Yu-Pei-chin)
参考:《华夏艺术中的自然观 : 唐奖故宫文物选萃特展》刘芳如主编国立故宫博物院2016/09;《十全乾隆—清高宗的艺术品味》主编:何传馨;执行编辑:余佩瑾、吴诵芬、邱士华、张丽端、许媛婷、陈慧霞、郑永昌、谢镇鸿台北巿:国立故宫博物院2013/10