收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(重华宫),下册,页712-714 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷三),第一册,页252-253 收藏着录: 故宫历代法书全集,第十六册,页68-91、173-179 内容简介(中文): 倪瓒(西元一三0一年-一三七四年),江苏无锡人,字元镇,号云林,山水风格简淡,为元四大家之一,他的书法则自成一体,奕奕有晋宋人风气。元初的赵孟頫学晋唐,书风流美圆润,而倪瓒则由三国魏锺繇〈荐季直表〉入手,面貌高古冷逸,无一丝俗尘。本幅字体瘦劲,造型稍扁,但结字甚紧,笔画尾端强调隶书的波磔动作,将隶书的趣味和张力与楷书结合,本幅为「元人法书」册之二。 内容简介(中文): 倪瓒(西元一三0一-一三七四年),江苏无锡人。字元镇,号云林、迂翁。性俊爽,雅厚敦行,工山水竹石,为元四大家之一。其翰札奕奕有晋宋人风气,书史谓瓒书从隶入,辄在锺繇荐季直表中夺舍投胎,古而媚,密而疏,冷逸荒率,如诗中之渊明。本幅书风天然古澹,无一点俗尘,是倪书之佳构。本幅为「元人法书」册第二开。 内容简介(中文): 倪瓒(西元一三0一年-一三七四年),江苏无锡人,字元镇,号云林,山水风格简淡,为元四大家之一。他的书法则自成一体,奕奕有晋宋人风气。元初赵孟頫书学晋唐,书风流美圆润,而倪瓒则由三国魏锺繇〈荐季直表〉入手,面貌高古冷逸,无一丝俗尘。本幅字体瘦劲,造型稍扁,但结字甚紧,笔画尾端强调隶书的波磔动作,将隶书的趣味和张力与楷书结合。(20100406) 内容简介(英文): Ni Zan (native to Wuxi, Jiangsu) had the style name Yuanzhen and the sobriquet Yunlin. With his simple and plain landscape style, he became one of the Four Yuan Masters. His calligraphy, in a style of its own, radiates the aura of Jin and Song masters. In the early Yuan, Zhao Mengfu studied Jin and Tang styles to form a fluid and rounded manner, but Ni Zan looked to the “Recommendation for Jizhi” by Zhong You of the Three Kingdoms (Wei) for inspiration, forming a lofty and archaic elegance without a hint of worldliness. The characters here are thin yet strong, the forms slightly flattened. The structure is tight, the stroke ends emphasizing wavelike movements in clerical script. Ni thus combined the style of clerical script with the tension of regular script.(20100406) 内容简介(英文): Ni Tsan (style name; Yuan-chen, sobriquets; Yun-lin, Yu-weng) was a native of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu. His personality was extraordinarily gifted, elegant, and sincere. He was good at depicting landscapes and bamboo with rocks and was later known as one of the Four Masters of the Yuan. His letters have, with alterations, the atmosphere of the styles of Tsin (317-420) and Sung (960-1279) period calligraphers. In the history of calligraphy, Ni Tsan's style was described as having derived from clerical script. Through Ni Tsan's repeated and faithful rendering of Chung Yu's (151-230) style, Ni was able to imitate the style so well that his could be mistaken for the other. Ni's style is archaic yet graceful and dense yet sparse. Its spirit is aloofly untrammeled and desolate like that of the famous poet T'ao Yuan-ming (372-427). The style of this piece is natural and archaistic without a trace of banality and is an excellent example of Ni Tsan's calligraphy. 内容简介(英文): Ni Tsan was a native of Kiangsu noted in painting for a pure and remote landscape style and as one of the Four Great Yuan Masters. His calligraphy was likewise unique and reflected ancient origins. Chao Meng-fu's study of Chin and T'ang calligraphy in the early Yuan produced a style fluid and rounded. Ni Tsan, however, adopted aspects of the Chung Yu style for his lofty, ethereal, and untrammeled manner. The characters in this work are thin yet solid and forceful, and the forms slightly flat. They are compact with the ends of the strokes emphasizing the downward force of clerical script. He combined the style and tension of clerical script with standard script. This is the second leaf from Album of Yuan Calligraphy.