题跋类别:题跋;作者:清高宗;题跋位置:本幅;款识:无; (乾隆戊子御题。诗文不录)印记:干、隆主题:
主要主题:树木寒林.枯树寒林;次要主题:山水溪涧、湍泉 ;其他主题:山水冬景(雪景)技法:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(宁寿宫),第五册,页2646 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页35 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第一册,页145-146 内容简介(中文): 丛林中溪水弯流,与石相激,溅起点点浪花,两旁林木高耸,云烟穿绕其间。全幅画树用笔强劲,树枝如龙蛇朝四面伸张,乃李郭山水最有特色的蟹爪树法,极富有姿势变化之美。以画法论,本幅可能是十二世纪北方金人学李郭风格的作品。 李成(西元916—967),字咸熙,唐皇室的后裔,系出长安,五代徙居山东营丘,画平远山水烟林清旷,墨法精纯。 内容简介(英文): Through a forest winds a quickly flowing stream that dashes and splashes against the rocks. Tall trees appear on either side, and bands of mist float among the tree tops. The brushwork in the trees is particularly strong and energetic-the branches looking like twisting dragon claws, similar to the distinctive crab-claw style of painting trees in the Li Ch’eng and Kuo Hsi tradition. In terms of style, this may be a work by a northern Chin dynasty artist of the 12th century following the Li-Kuo tradition. Li Ch’eng, a descendant of the T’ang imperial family , specialized in painting flat-distance , misty landscapes of water and trees suggested by washes of ink. 网页展示说明 李成(916?967)字咸熙,唐皇室的后裔,系出长安,五代徙居山东营丘,因此又称为李营丘。性情豪迈,放荡不羁,喜好饮酒,博涉经史。据《图画见闻志》的记载,李成「善画山水寒林,化精灵,绝人远甚。」「气象萧疏,烟林清旷,毫锋颖脱,墨法精微。」最擅长以寒林来表现严冬萧飒荒寒景况。 本幅以近景为主,画幅中央矗立着三株巨树,一湾溪水三叠流出,激流漱石,幅内烟岚飘忽游于林中,虚实相映。勾画树干、皴树皮、点叶皆用细笔,虽劲拔挺捷,然仍具一股娟秀气息,树干上勾圈出很多木瘿,枝桠若龙蛇四面分张,苍劲遒逸,涧流两侧土坡淡墨卧笔层叠皴染,笔法细腻又具变化。水纹及腾溅水花之取笔粗细并用,且劲挺有力,似闻激溅之声。 寒林为北方平远的产物,主旨在表现「荒寒萧瑟,烟芜凄恻之情。」但李成的寒林图,松石幽深,鸣泉流溅,主要表现的是树石茂密之美,与宋人「松泉磐石」相似,有明月松间照,清泉石上流的意境,而非木叶尽脱、寒林萧瑟之意。幅中画树枝柯分披,是李郭遗法,画石用斧劈皴,则似出自李唐风格,以画风而言,并非出于十世纪李成所作,较可能为十二世纪北方金人学李郭传统之作品。 网页展示说明 Through a forest winds a quickly flowing stream that dashes and splashes against the rocks. Tall trees appear on either side of the stream, and bands of mist float among the treetops. The brushwork in the trees is particularly strong and energetic-the branches looking like twisting dragon claws, similar to the distinctive crab-claw style of painting trees in the Li Ch'eng and Kuo Hsi tradition. In terms of style, this may be a work by a Chin dynasty artist of the 12th century following the Li-Kuo tradition.Li Ch'eng, a descendant of the T'ang imperial family, specialized in painting flat distance landscapes of misty water and trees using washes of ink.