主要主题:佛道人物观音 主要主题:山水奇石 ;其他主题:器用宗教器用技法:
收藏着录: 秘殿珠林续编(干清宫),第一册,页78 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页81-82 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第二册,页91-92 参考书目: 1.李玉珉,〈(传)宋贾师古大士像〉,收入李玉珉主编,《观音特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2000年初版),页191。2.〈宋贾师古大士像〉,收入刘芳如主编,《书画装池之美》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2008年初版一刷),页58。3.本社,〈贾师古大士像〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第27期(1985年6月),页1。 内容简介(中文): 观音菩萨悠閒自在地靠在岩石上,手中净瓶洒下的甘露化成一朵莲花。观音的轮廓和五官以细笔钩画,匀整细致,衣纹线条粗细变化很大,强劲有力。根据画上「师古」两字的款题,过去认为这件画轴是宋代贾师古(活动于1131-1162)的作品,可是画中画石的方法和明初的山水画近似,应该是一幅明代画家假借贾师古之名的作品。虽然如此,但他的绘画技巧纯熟,仍不失为一幅佛教画的佳作。 内容简介(英文): Chia Shih-ku was a native of K'ai-feng, in Honan province. He served at the court painting academy during the Shao-hsing reign (1131-1162). A skilled painter of religious subject, Chia Shih-Ku followed the style of Li Kung-lin. His pai-miao (ink outline) figures have an untrammeled air. The bodhisattva, adorned with jewels, is seated on a rocky cliff. The water of Buddha-truth pours out from her vase and transforms into a lotus flower. Her manner is vary relaxed. Cliff rocks are modeled with axe-cut texture strokes ,and the brushstrokes are vigorous and unrestrained. The bodhisattva's hair and details of her face are all meticulously outlined ; the folds of her robes are distinctly executed with an angular brushline. The brush work within the painting is lively, full of variation , and nicely balanced. 内容简介(英文): Kuan-yin sits leaning on a rock as the water of Buddha-truth pours from the vase she is holding and transforms into a lotus blossom. The details of Kuan-yin are rendered with exceptionally fine brushwork. In contrast, the drapery lines vary considerably in thickness and are done with great force. Judging from the “Shih-ku” signature to the lower right of the figure, this work was considered at one point to have been painted by the Sung artist Chia Shih-ku. However, the treatment of the rocks is similar to landscape painting of the early Ming (l368-1644), indicating that the signature is a later addition. Nevertheless, the mature and skillful painting techniques still make this a masterpiece of Ming dynasty Buddhist art.