题跋类别:作者款识;作者:贾师古;题跋位置:本幅;款识:贾师古 题籤 巖关古寺主题:
主要主题:山水 ;次要主题:树木松 ;次要主题:建筑城墙城门。城关;其他主题:山水石磴、栈道 ;其他主题:人物行旅 ;其他主题:山水山径 ;其他主题:花草 草;其他主题:建筑寺庙 ;其他主题:器用旗技法:
工笔 写意 皴法 人物衣纹描法(减笔)参考资料:
收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷六),第四册,页208 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第二十九册,页166-169 参考书目: 1.许郭璜,〈贾师古巖关古寺〉,收入国立故宫博物院编,《宋代书画册页名品特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1995年初版一刷),页257-258。2.本社,〈宋贾师古巖关古寺〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第16期(1984年7月),封底。3.许郭璜,〈「七十件书画册页名品特展」精选(二) — 贾师古巖关古寺〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第147期(1995年6月),页86-88。4.李霖灿,〈山水画中点景人物的断代研究〉,《故宫季刊》,第十三卷第二期(1978年冬),页25-40。 内容简介(中文): 贾师古,生卒年不详,河南开封人。绍兴(西元一一三一—一一六二年)画院祗候。善画道释、人物,师李公麟,其白描人物,得閒逸自在之状。 本幅为「名绘集珍」册第二开。路上两僧负经担行来,其上奇巖突出。古寺飘幡,三松复荫。山路尽处则见城关一隅,后隐远山。按宋高宗喜李唐画,影响及于画院风格,因此幅中之巖石皴染,在笔墨间自有李唐之意。而人物虽为极减之笔,却是笔简意赅,甚得其神。 内容简介(中文): 画面左下角署「贾师古」款。贾师古不见于南宋画史。本幅左侧画山岩叠峙,有松木盘曲于两处峰顶,山间谷地画有隘口门墙,环山崖一侧写寺观楼阁。画幅右侧为平坦地面,上以简略笔墨写二行旅人。后有淡墨擦染远山轮廓。 全幅笔法短促、用墨醇厚,部份石面除有笔墨皴点之外,间以青绿写成郁郁草丛。画幅下缘山石块面的分隔方式,与李唐〈万壑松风〉下方石面处理相近。属南宋前期山水画风。(20101015) 内容简介(英文): In the lower left corner of this painting is the signature for “Jia Shigu,” an artist who does not appear in texts on painting from the Southern Song. The left side of this work depicts a rocky outcropping with pine trees growing on two hilltops, between which is a valley with a towered wall gate. Around the hill to the other side is the building of a monastery. The right part of the painting reveals a level stretch of land, where two travelers have been sketchily rendered. In the far distance the partial outline of a mountain was washed in ink.The brushwork throughout the work consists of short strokes using rich ink tones. In addition to some of the rock faces being rendered with texture dots of brush and ink, blue-and-green coloring was also added to suggest thick growths of verdant grass. The method of separating the rocky forms along the bottom of the painting is similar to the treatment at the bottom of Li Tang’s “Wind in Pines Among a Myriad Valleys.” This is an example of mid-twelfth-century landscape painting from the early Southern Song.(20101015) 内容简介(英文): The birth and death dates of Chia Shih-ku, a native of K'ai-feng in Honan, are unknown, but he served in the Imperial Painting Academy during the Shaohsing reign (1131-1162). He excelled at painting Buddhist and Taoist figures, the style for which he patterned after Li Kung-lin (1041-1106). His pai-miao (plain outline) style has an untrammeled manner. In this painting are two monks carrying sûtras as they walk along a path. Above then protrudes a cliff upon which lies an old temple with a fluttering banner and three shady pine trees. The mountain path leads to a place where a city wall can be seen; mountains appear vaguely in the distance. Since Kao-tsung (r. 1127-1162) appreciated the paintings of Li style on the Imperial Painting Academy was strong. The textures and washes of the mountain rocks in this painting reflect the style of Li T'ang. Even though the figures are rendered in an abbreviated manner, the conception of them is complete and quite spirited. 研究性论着: 贾师古,汴人。绍兴(西元1131—1162)画院祇候。善道释人物,白描师李公麟,得其閒逸自在之状。奇巖耸峙,上盘三松,下荫寺宇城关。巖上复草浓密,其旁磴道蜿蜒纡曲斜上城关。幅右下僧侣二人负经笈,逶迤而至,左下巖角署「贾师古」款。本幅劲锐短促的笔法与淳厚的浓墨,技法当传自李唐、萧照的影响。(注1)其中以秃笔画松针,草及远树笔较尖细,层层点画,其法乃自李唐「江山小景」、「万壑松风」蜕化而出。构图则以下方为重心布置景物,馀演为眇垠天际。极度强调近景的「实」与天空的「虚」以相对应,而幅间以笔笔皴画的技法,与南宋后期马夏一派之以水墨交融来扩大画面空间的表现方式大异其趣,故本幅当可归之为南宋前期的风格。另艾瑞慈教授也认为以构图和署款的方式来看,均可确定是典型南宋的模式。(注2)此图左上有元官印「都省书画之印」,中有「司印半印」及下有「礼部评验书画关防」(存半)二明官印,是明内府直接得自元内府。此三印常同时出现并皆钤于宋人册页上居多。(注3)有关贾师古之生平,画史记载极简且有疑点,翁同文教授并考订夏文彦着《图绘宝鑑》除沿袭庄肃《画继补遗》外不无窜改之嫌。(注4)而尽管着录言其善画人物,「他则不闻」(注5)然史籍漏载或载而不全者非仅一例,(注6)本幅虽为孤例却不稍减其特色,甚至可补画史不传之失。(许郭璜)注1:参见国立故宫博物院编,《故宫宋画精华》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1975-1976),下卷,页7。注2:Richard Edwards,"The Yen Family and the Influence of Li T'ang."Ars Orientalis, vol.10(1975),p.83.注3:有关「都省书画之印」「司印半印」,请参阅傅申,〈祕书监书画收藏概述〉,《元代皇室书画收藏史略》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1981),页93-99。注4:翁同文,〈图绘宝鑑窜改旧文致误举例〉,《艺林丛考》(台北:联经出版事业公司,1977),页61。注5:同注4。注6:宋人作家兼长他科而无画蹟留存者甚多,如崔白除花竹翎毛外亦善道释鬼神,李安忠花鸟走兽外亦擅山水。有关宋画家史料请参阅令狐彪,〈宋代画院画家考略〉,《美术研究》1982年第4期(1982年11月),页39-61。