主要主题:佛道人物观音 ;次要主题:佛道人物天王 ;次要主题:佛道人物天龙八部 ;其他主题:佛道人物佛 ;其他主题:佛道人物佛道侍者 ;其他主题:器用宗教器用技法:
收藏着录: 祕殿珠林续编(干清宫),页96 收藏着录: 故宫书画录 (卷五),第三册,页125 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三册,页15-16 收藏着录: 国宝的形成-书画菁华特展,页174-179、317 参考书目: 1.李玉珉,〈宋人画千手千眼观世音菩萨〉,收入王耀庭、许郭璜、陈阶晋编,《故宫书画菁华特辑》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1987年初版,2001年再版),页146-149。2.李玉珉,〈宋人画千手千眼观世音菩萨〉,收入李玉珉主编,《观音特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2000年初版),页189-191。3.葛婉章,〈宋人千手千眼观世音菩萨〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第1期(1983年4月),封底。4.李玉珉,〈宋人千手千眼观世音菩萨轴〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第44期(1986年11月),页1。5.李玉珉,〈画千手千眼观世音菩萨〉,收入何传馨主编,《文艺绍兴:南宋艺术与文化‧书画卷》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2010年十月初版一刷),页375-376。 内容简介(中文): 本幅主尊是千手千眼观世音菩萨。上方云气有十方佛,四大天王擎起菩萨足下莲座,天龙八部两侧随侍。菩萨嘴角有髭,五官秀美,腰身纤细,容貌已有女性的圆润温婉。此观音有千手各具一眼,或作手印,或执持物,头顶共具三十二面,顶上面为阿弥陀佛,以示观音获得正等正觉,修证圆通无上至道。 多首多臂观音出自密教,在唐高祖时传入中国。观音的头顶有二十六菩萨面与一佛面,祂共有千手,每只手中各具一眼,故能以千眼遍识众生,又以千手随时救护,充份发挥观音的悲悯情怀。 内容简介(英文): The main deity in this painting is the Kuan-yin of One thousand Arms and Eyes. A host of Buddhas is seen in the clouds above. The Four Heavenly Kings hold up the Bodhisattva's lotus pedestal while the Eight Deva Kings line up in two files to the side. A moustache can be seen on Kuan-yin's upper lip, though already the form and manner of the deity has become soft and feminine. In each of Kuan-yin's one thousand hands is a single eye, and at the t op of the head dress of 32 faces is an image of the Amitabha Buddha. Some of the hands make gestures while others hold ritual objects. These symbolize the state of true awakening and enlightenment of Kuan-yin. Kuan-yin with many heads and arms comes from esoteric Buddhism, which entered T'ang China under Kao-tsu(r.618-626). The top of Kuan-yin's head has 26 heads of bodhisattvas and one of a Buddha. Kuan-yin had 1,000 hands, each of which has an eye in the palm. A visualization of Kuan-yin's ability to see and assist all, this work reflects the deity's compassionate nature. 网页展示说明 观世音又称观音,是我们最熟悉的一位佛教人物。这尊观音与常见的一头两手的显教观音像不同,祂的头顶共有二十六个菩萨头和一个佛头,有一千只手,每一只手的手掌中间又有一只眼睛,所以称为「千手千眼观世音菩萨」,是密教观音的一个重要典型。 万顷波涛,四天王背负着一座七宝莲台,千手千眼观世音菩萨十分庄严地站在台上。左右各有两位菩萨随侍,下方的天龙八部双手合什,向观音菩萨示敬。观音菩萨头戴化佛宝冠,绀发垂肩,双唇上下都有胡髭,仍作男相。但五官秀美,已流露出女性化的特质全图赋色妍丽,璎珞装饰和七宝莲台都描绘得十分仔细。人物衣纹线条柔劲流畅,这些特色都与传至日本的南宋佛画十分类似,是一幅难得的南宋佛教绘画精品。 网页展示说明 Kuan-yin, the bodhisattva of compassion, stands amid waves on top of a lotus pedestal supported by four Guardian Kings. Above are seated Buddhas on auspicious clouds and below are 8 Deva Kings in 2 rows. Kuan-yin here has a moustache, but also an elegant face and delicate figure, clearly revealing feminine characteristics. Kuan-yin with many heads and arms comes from esoteric Buddhism, which entered T'ang China under Kao-tsu (r. 618-626). The top of Kuan-yin's head has 26 heads of bodhisattvas and one of a Buddha. Kuan-yin has 1,000 hands, each of which has an eye in the palm. A visualization of Kuan-yin's ability to see and assist all, this work reflects the deity's compassionate nature. 网页展示说明 万顷波涛,祥云湧现,四大天王背擎七宝莲台,千手千眼观世音菩萨法相庄严,端立其上。两侧的脇侍菩萨或合什礼拜,或手持法器,随侍在侧。菩萨双唇上下皆有髭须,足见为一男性,可是其眉清目秀,容颜温婉,已具女子神韵。此轴无作者名款,人物的轮廓和衣纹线条皆以中锋之笔画成,用笔流畅且灵动,璎珞装饰和七宝莲台上镶嵌的珠宝,绘制精谨,用色妍丽但不俗艳,诚为南宋佛画的佳作。(20101015) 网页展示说明 Against the background of a myriad billowing waves and auspicious clouds spewing forth are the Four Heavenly Kings holding up a bejeweled lotus pedestal. On it stands a majestic Guanshiyin (or Guanyin) Bodhisattva of a Thousand Hands and Eyes. Two attendant bodhisattvas clasp their hands in reverence on either side of Guanyin, and next to them are two others in attendance holding Buddhist implements. The Guanyin here appears with facial hair, indicating a manifestation in male form, but the eyes and eyebrows are delicate and elegant. Combined with the warm and gentle look, the figure already reveals the manner of a female deity. Although this scroll bears neither seal nor signature of the artist, the outlining of the figures and lines of the drapery patterns were all done using strokes from a centered brush. The brushwork is fluid and spirited, the necklace decoration and gems inlaid onto the bejeweled lotus pedestal painted with exceptional detail. The coloring is beautiful but not vulgar, making this a masterpiece of Southern Song Buddhist painting.(20101015) 网页展示说明 どこまでも続く波涛、湧き上がる祥云、四天王が背负った莲华座に荘厳さを湛えた千手千眼観世音菩萨が立っている。両侧の脇侍菩萨は法器を持ち、或いは観世音菩萨を拝みつつその傍らに控えている。観世音菩萨の唇の上下にヒゲがあることから男性だとわかるが、眉目秀丽で优しげな表情はどこか女性的である。本作には作者の名款がない。人物の轮郭线と衣服の线はいずれも中锋で描かれており、流れるような用笔には动きがある。璎珞と莲华座の宝石は细かに描き込まれており、色鲜やかだが卑俗な感はない。南宋仏画の佳作である。(20101015)