题跋类别:作者款识;作者:徐渭;题跋位置:本幅;款识:客强馀画十六种花。因忆徐陵杂曲中二八年时不忧度之句。作一歌。因为十六花姨舞。歌缠头。亦便戏效陵体。用陵韵。东邻西舍丽难俦。新屋栖花迎莫愁。蝴蝶故应增粉伴。牡丹亦自起红楼。牡丹管领春秾发。一株百蒂无歇休。管中选取八双人。纸上娇开十二月。谁向关西不道妍。谁数关头见小怜。侬为顷刻殷七七。我亦逡巡天里天。朝阳燕子年年度。谁能钵里无相妬。钵中颜色不长新。画里臙脂翻能故。花姨舞歇石家香。依旧还归纸砑光。莫为弓腰歌一曲。双双来近昼眠床。天池道士渭。;书体:行书;全文: 印记:天池山人、青藤道士、湘管斋、公孙大娘主题:
主要主题:山水奇石 主要主题:树木芭蕉 主要主题:树木竹 主要主题:花草菊 主要主题:花草玉簪花 主要主题:花草茶花 主要主题:花草绣球 主要主题:花草牡丹 ;次要主题:花草梅(白.红.蜡梅)白梅;次要主题:花草兰.蕙 ;次要主题:花草秋葵 ;次要主题:花草芙蓉 ;次要主题:花草海棠(草)秋海棠海棠(草);次要主题:花草莲荷荷;次要主题:花草水仙 ;次要主题:花草萱花 ;次要主题:果蔬石榴技法:
写意 没骨参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(御书房),下册,页1132 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页422-423 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第八册,页145-146 参考书目: 1.〈明徐渭花竹〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《牡丹名画特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1987年四月初版),页40-41。2.马孟晶,〈明徐渭花竹〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第300期(2008年3月),页40。3.〈明 徐渭 花竹〉,收入谭怡令、刘芳如、林莉娜主编,《满庭芳 历代花卉名品特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),页158。 内容简介(中文): 徐渭(西元一五二一-一五九三年)字文长,号天池,晚号青藤老人。山水、人物、花鸟、竹石都很擅长,书法及诗文也有很高的造诣。 本幅集不同季节的十六种花于一幅,包括:竹、芭蕉、梅、兰、菊、牡丹、水仙、荷花、秋海棠、茶花、芙蓉、秋葵、石榴、萱花、绣球花。以水墨双钩或没骨写意画法为之,笔歌墨舞,恣肆沉酣,是难得的大幅杰作。 内容简介(英文): Hsü Wei, a native of Shao-hsing in Chekiang, excelled in painting landscapes, figures, flowers, insects, bamboo, and stones. His calligraphy, poetry, and prose were also of very high caliber. This painting represents 16 kinds of flowers and plants from different seasons all together in a single work. They include bamboo, plantain, plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, peony, narcissus, lotus, begonia, camellia, hibiscus, hollyhock, pomegranate, day-lily and hydrangea. Either outlined in ink or rendered in the “boneless” sketching method of ink wash, the brush “sings” and the ink “dances” across the scroll, making it an unusually large masterpiece by the artist. 网页展示说明 徐渭(1521-1593),字文长,号青藤老人。艺术才具极高,曾自评书第一、诗二,文三,画四。所画花卉,笔势纵放淋漓,与陈淳并称「青藤白阳」,对晚明以后的画坛影响深远。本幅系应友人之请而作,共结合十六种不同季节的花卉于寻丈巨轴之中,所绘包含梅、兰、菊、竹、芭蕉、牡丹、水仙、荷花、秋海棠、茶花、芙蓉、秋葵、石榴、萱花、绣球花、玉簪花。画法兼容水墨双钩和没骨写意,笔歌墨舞,恣肆沉酣。幅左并自题〈十六花姨舞〉杂曲一首,书画交相辉映,堪称是存世徐渭大写意花卉中,最为难得的钜制。(20110103) 网页展示说明 Xu Wei (style name Wenchang; sobriquet Qingteng laoren) was exceptionally talented in the arts. According to his own ranking, he considered his calligraphy best, poetry second, writing third, and painting fourth. In his flower paintings, his brush force was unbridled and wet. He came to be known together with Chen Chun as "Qingteng and Baiyang" and had a major influence in painting circles after the late Ming.This work was done at the request of a friend and depicts a total of sixteen plants and flowers from different times of the year altogether in this monumental hanging scroll. They include the plum blossom, orchid, chrysanthemum, bamboo, plantain, peony, narcissus, lotus, begonia, camellia, hibiscus, hollyhock, pomegranate, day lily, hydrangea, and plantain lily. The painting methods combine ink outlines and "boneless" washes of "sketching ideas,"the brush and ink dancing about unbridled and to the artist's content. To the left is Xu Wei's inscription of a miscellaneous tune entitled "Dance of Sixteen Flowers." The painting and calligraphy reflect each other perfectly, making this a rare monumental masterpiece among Xu's surviving paintings in the expressive "sketching ideas" manner.(20110103) 网页展示说明 徐渭(1521-1593)、字は文长、号は青藤老人。芸术の才に恵まれ、书は第一、诗は二、文は三、絵画は四と自らを评した。徐渭の花卉画は豪快奔放な笔势にしっとりとした润いがあり、陈淳とともに「青藤白阳」と并び称され、明代晩期以降の画坛に大きな影响を与えた。本作は友人に请われて描いたもので、季节の异なる草花16种を大きな画面に配してあり、梅、兰、菊、竹、芭蕉、牡丹、水仙、莲の花、秋海棠、椿、芙蓉、秋葵(オクラ)、石榴(ザクロ)、忘れ草、紫阳花(アジサイ)、玉ノ簪(ギボウシの仲间)などが描かれている。画法は水墨双钩と没骨写意をともに用いており、笔が歌い墨が舞うかのような伸びやかさがある。画面左に自题「十六花姨舞」雑曲一首があり、书画が互いに映える本作は、徐渭の现存する大型写意花卉画の中で最も贵重な大作だと言える。(20110103)