题跋类别:作者款识;作者:倪瓒;题跋位置:本幅;款识:云林子写小山竹树。辛亥(西元一三七一年)春。;书体:行楷书;全文: 印记:云林(半印)主题:
主要主题:山水奇石 ;次要主题:树木竹 ;其他主题:树木技法:
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收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(重华宫),上册,页727 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷六),第四册,页250 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第二十九册,页314-319 参考书目: 1.蒋复璁,〈倪瓒小山竹树图〉,收入国立故宫博物院编,《元四大家》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1975年初版,1976年二版,1984年三版),页56。 内容简介(中文): 倪瓒(西元一三○一-一三七四年),初名珽,字元镇,号云林子,江苏无锡人。个性孤高,元末归隐泛舟五湖,善画寒林浅水,后世将他和黄公望、王蒙、吴镇并称为「元四家」,着有《清閟阁集》。倪瓒状写山水构图中角落一景,江滨巨石旁挺立着枯木,树石间修篁丛生,以枯木竹石表现胸中逸气,此绘画表现题材系由元代赵孟頫「窠木竹石」母题发展而来。 本幅自题作于辛亥(一三七一)年。(20110405) 内容简介(中文): 倪瓒(西元一三0一至一三七四年),字元镇,号云林、迂翁。家富饶,筑清閟阁,蓄古书画。善山水,为元四大家之一。此帧成于明太祖洪武辛亥四年(一三七一),云林正七十岁。画山石竹木,着意无多而笔墨极为秀挺,是云林暮年精品。 内容简介(英文): Ni Tsan was a native of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu. Naturally refined and elegant, Ni devoted himself to study and the cultivation of the mind. Genteel and pure, he was of a solitary disposition. He is regarded as one of the Four Masters of the Yüan dynasty.This painting depicts some perennial favorites of the master -- rocks bamboo and trees. Nothing is in excess here, and the brush and ink have attained the most rarified dimensions.This work was executed when the master was 70 years old, an excellent example of one of his late works. 内容简介(英文): Ni Zan (style name Yuanzhen, sobriquet Yunlin-zi), a native of Wuxi in Jiangsu, was lofty and solitary. At the end of the Yuan he boated in reclusion, excelling at painting wintry forests and shallow waters. Later generations grouped him with Huang Gongwang, Wang Meng, and Wu Zhen as the “Four Yuan Masters.” Ni’s Anthology of the Qingbi Pavilion also survives. Here he has rendered the corner of a landscape. On a bank is a large stone with old trees. Around the stone and trees are clusters of bamboo. The withered trees, bamboo, and stone reflect the artist’s untrammeled mind, the subject here being a development of “tree, bamboo, and stone” works by another Yuan artist, Zhao Mengfu. Ni Zan also inscribed this work, which is datable to 1371.(20110405) 研究性论着: 倪瓒初名珽。字元镇,号云林子。江苏无锡县梅里祗头村人。生于元成宗大德五年辛丑(1301),卒于明太祖洪武七年甲寅(1374)十一月十一日。年七十四。江滨一角,巨石峭立于坡上,旁挺立着枯木,树石间修篁丛从生。本幅自题作于(洪武)辛亥(1371)春,时年七十一岁。倪瓒的画,一言以讚赏之是一「雅」字。正如元夏文彦《图绘宝鑑》说倪氏:「画林木平远竹石,殊无市朝尘埃气。」画中的母题是元代赵孟頫所发展出来的「窠木竹石」,系统上又可上溯李成一系的山水寒林图。将寒林以山水的画法处理,呈现的是高深回环,一派气象广博的大景致。「窠木竹石」则是竹树林石,偃扬掩映,聚散分明中,聚眼光于一角近景之美。倪氏今日所存作品,大致以平远山水及枯木竹石两大类。本幅结构,以近处所见取景,画石画树画竹,都是山水式的画法,可视为上两种风格融合运用。(王耀庭)