主要主题:人物仕女二人;其他主题:器用镜 ;其他主题:花草 不知名带叶折枝花技法:
白描 人物衣纹描法(匀称线条)参考资料:
收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷六),第四册,页286-287。 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三十册,页332-339 参考书目: 1.刘芳如,〈清禹之鼎揽镜簪花〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《仕女画之美》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1988年四月初版),页87。 内容简介(中文): 禹之鼎(西元一六四七至一七0九年),江苏扬州人。字上吉,一字尚基,一作尚稽,号慎斋。康熙二十年(一六八一)以画供奉入直畅春园。幼师蓝瑛,出入宋、元诸家,兼善人物、仕女、肖像。其写真画法私淑曾鲸,而面貌独具,秀媚古雅蔚为当代之冠,故一时名人小像多出自其手。 本幅选自「国朝名绘」册,白描绘仕女二人,一揽镜自照,一拈花欲戴,衣纹近马和之兰叶描,两颧微用脂赭晕开,一派飘逸之趣,盎然楮素。 内容简介(英文): Holding up a Mirror to Arrange a Sprig of FlowersYü Chih-ting (1647-1709)Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) Yü Chih-ting has caught these two young women primping in front of a mirror: a lady holds up a small round mirror to better assess her friend’s arrangement of a sprig of flowers in her hair. The artist has limned these figures in the uncolored outline (pai-miao) technique, modeling the folds of their clothing in fluid lines of varying thickness like Ma Ho-chih’s (fl. ca.1140-1190) so-called orchid-leaf lines. To the simple black and white coloring he has added light touches of umber as shading. Yü Chih-ting (whose style-name was Shang-chi and sobriquet, Shen-chai) was a native of Yangchow, Kiangsu. In his youth he studied with the late Ming painter Lan Ying (1585-ca. 1660) and drew upon the styles of Sung (960-1279) and Yüan (1279-1368) artists. In 1681 he was summoned to serve at court in the Garden of Flowing Springtime. Yü was famous for his figure paintings, especially his paintings of women and his portraits. In the latter genre he emulated the brush technique of the famous portrait painter Tseng Ching (1568-1650) but created his own style, becoming one of the leading portraitists of his day. Many portraits of the famous personalities of his day are by his hand.