题跋类别:作者款识;作者:马远;题跋位置:本幅;款识:马远;书体:行书;全文: 题籤 裱纸 ;书体:行楷书;全文:马远晓雪山行。主题:
主要主题:山水冬景(雪景) 主要主题:人物商贩贩柴碳人主要主题:走兽骡.驴骡;其他主题:山水溪涧、湍泉 ;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:树木寒林.枯树 ;其他主题:翎毛雉(锦鸡.雉类)死雉;其他主题:器用篮.篓.箩筐篓子技法:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第五册,页2499 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷六),第四册,页185 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第二十九册,页192-197 参考书目: 1.许郭璜,〈宋马远晓雪山行〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第200期(1999年11月),页30。2.李霖灿,〈故宫博物院的名画宝藏(下)〉,《故宫季刊》,第十四卷第一期(1979年秋),页77-92。 内容简介(中文): 「马远」款署于右下树干下方。图绘寒天中一翁瑟缩前行,前方驴子驼炭,后面驴子驼薪,皆因天冷负重而显步履维艰。画树皴石等大多用秃笔,皴纹为斧劈皴,勾勒人物衣纹及二驴线条微用颤笔。状物技巧高超,简略线条和墨染精确表现老驴、幼驴一前一后的行进身躯。主题或为卖炭郎形象,因在山中伐薪烧炭,致满面尘灰,衣衫单薄,且肩负山雉,雪径中呵冻前行;呈现自然天候中庶民辛勤、富足的面貌。(20101015) 内容简介(中文): 幅画树皴石等大皆用本秃笔,人物衣纹及钩勒驴则微用战笔,是马远特有的技法。而在全幅之结构特能显出南宋后期边角构图之特质,幅中央之主位,安置复满白雪的巨巖,以虚为实;主树一株,根部及粗干大皆出于幅外,再向内布细枝,枝上微点白喻雪,猎人、双驴躯体倾缩乃状寒冬冻冽,在于左上石坡用墨染以烘托出中央复着白雪的巨巖。两相对比,融实于虚,具体呈现出作者独特结构能力。这种以大量留白来营造空灵气氛,布局单纯化和简练的笔墨,一皆是南宋晚期绘画的特色。而以取虚来表达画家的意念,任观赏者之思想驰聘于空灵太虚之中。化外清音,引人深思。旧谓马远画石皆方硬,以大斧劈皴带水墨皴古意蔚然,颇有丰致。并谓远画少全境,大皆边角之景,「或峭峰直上,而不见其顶,或绝壁直下,而不见其脚;或近山参天,而远山则低……..」(注1)所述虽不尽与本幅相符,然深得马氏画作之精奥,意象类近,当有契合之处。(许郭璜)注1:《格古要论》,见厉鹗,《南宋院画录》卷七,收录于《画史丛书》(台北:文史哲出版社,1974),第三册,1739。 内容简介(英文): The signature for “Ma Yuan” appears in the lower right corner below the tree trunk. The painting depicts an old man huddled against the cold on a winter’s day as he makes his way in the mountains with two donkeys, the one in front carrying charcoal and the other one firewood. Both seem proceed with difficulty due to their load and the cold. The depiction of the tree and textured landscape forms were mostly done with a blunt brush, while the texturing is in “axe-cut” strokes. The lines for the figure and donkeys, however, reveal slightly “trembling” brushwork. Overall, the handling of the forms is superb, while the succinct lines and accurate ink washes depict the donkeys with precision, even clearly distinguishing the younger and older of the two.The theme here probably deals with a charcoal seller. The difficult job of collecting firewood and making charcoal in the mountains has led to the dusty appearance of the figure and his ragged clothes. Carrying a wild pheasant he has caught to support his meager income, he makes his way in the freezing cold on a snowy path. Despite the hardships of common folk throughout the year, it is also a scene of plenty as well.(20101015)