主要主题:佛道人物锺馗 ;次要主题:佛道人物鬼怪 ;其他主题:走兽骡.驴 ;其他主题:走兽狗 ;其他主题:走兽虎 ;其他主题:翎毛鹰 ;其他主题:器用兵器刀.斧.剑.弓箭.盾牌.槌.杖.短刀技法:
人物衣纹描法(粗细线条) 工笔参考资料:
收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十五册,页109-112 参考书目: 1.刘芳如,〈传五代南唐顾闳中锺馗出猎图〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《迎岁集福 — 院藏锺馗名画特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1997年二月初版一刷),页126-129。2.刘芳如,〈迎岁集福 — 院藏锺馗名画特展〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第167期(1997年2月),页88-89。3.何碧琪,〈断代密码:(传)郭忠恕〈摹顾恺之兰亭讌集图〉观后〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第275期(2006年2月),页46-59。 内容简介(中文): 顾闳中(十世纪后半),江南人。事南唐元宗父子为待诏,善画人物。盛唐以降,由于锺馗驱傩的风俗已甚流行,画家多喜绘锺馗。据画史载,五代时,周文矩、石恪、董源、黄筌等人,均画过锺馗图像。院藏顾闳中此卷,虽未见诸清代以前的着录,当亦有所依据。此卷设色画锺馗按剑骑驴,另有导从鬼卒十五名,持弓矢戈盾,臂鹰牵犬系虎,面目狰狞,造型奇异。所荷器械鹰犬猛兽之类,极为精妙。构图采一字长蛇阵法,布局颇古,但细审人物描法,较诸顾氏「韩熙载夜宴图」卷,颇不相类,疑系明人仿古之作。无名款,卷末有宋徽宗识,米友仁跋。展出之一段,画一鬼鍊虎,伸臂跨步,瞋目升发,肌键突隆,作使力状。虎伏身引曳,若驯犬。锺馗在后,服冠骑驴,执剑插笏,似写出巡猎疠之景。 内容简介(英文): Ku Hung-chung was a native of Kiangnan and served as Painter-in-Attendance during the reign of Hsüan-tsung(r.943-960) of the Southern T'ang, excelling at figure painting.After the High T'ang (8th c.), Chung K'uei as a demon queller and dispeller of evil had already become widespread, and painters often represented his image for these purposes. According to art historical records, artists of the tenth century, such as Chou Wen-chü, Shih K'o, Tung Yüan, and Huang Ch'üan, did painting of Chung K'uei. This scroll traditionally attributed to Ku Hung-chung is not documented prior to the Ch'ing dynasy (1645-1911), but awaits further research. This handscroll painting in colors takes as its theme Chung K'uei on demon hunt, and accompanied by fifteen demon-attendants. In his train, march many spirits carrying weapons, hounds or tigers Ferocious and deformed, they are all painted with meticulous detail. The figures form a line through the handscroll, and the composition is a traditional and archaic one. The rendition of the figures themselves is delicate, but differs somewhat from that in his masterpiece, "The Night Revels of Han Hsi-tsai." Based on style, this scroll appears to be Ming (1368-1644) imitation. The painting is not signed but bears a colophon by the Sung Emperor Hui-tsung (r.1100-1125) and that by Mi Yu-jen(1086-1165)The section on display depicts Chung K'uei and a spirit pulled by a tiger. The beast, chained like a trained dog, crawls forward with all its might. The spirit, with eyes goggling, hairs on end and muscles bulging, appears to be making an effort to hold back the tiger. After them, comes Chung K'uei in official regalia riding a donkey. He is out on his demon hunting beat.