收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十九册,页1-12 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页43 收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第四册,页1869 内容简介(中文): 蔡文姬(西元一七七年生),名琰,东汉蔡邕的女儿。兴平中(一九四)被匈奴所掳,在胡地生活了十二年,并育有两子,后来被曹操赎归。本卷画十八幅,描写蔡文姬归汉的情节,每幅后又书写着〈胡笳十八拍〉的诗文。虽然第一幅和最后一幅都有明四大家仇英(约一四九四-一五五二)的款印,可是全卷的人物造型呆滞,缺乏生趣,和仇英的画风有相当大的差距,应是一件后人冒用他名字的作品。 内容简介(中文): 蔡文姬(西元一七七年生),名琰,东汉蔡邕的女儿。兴平中(一九四)被匈奴所掳,在胡地生活了十二年,并育有两子,后来被曹操赎归。本卷画十八幅,描写蔡文姬归汉的情节,每幅后又书写〈胡笳十八拍〉文本。虽然第一幅和最后一幅都有明四大家仇英(约一四九四-一五五二)款印,然全卷人物造型较为简单缺乏细节,此外背景山水透露出清正统派之影响,可能为清代的摹本。(20100710) 内容简介(英文): Cai Wenji (Yan, b. 177 CE), the daughter of Cai Yong, was captured in 194 by the Xiongnu tribe from the north. She lived among the nomads for 12 years, bearing 2 sons to a chieftain before being ransomed back to China by Cao Cao. This handscroll includes 18 paintings that describe scenes related to the story of Cai Wenji and her return to China. Calligraphed after each painting is one of her “Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute.” Though the first and last works bear the seal and signature of Qiu Ying, one of the Four Masters of the Ming, the figures appear relatively simple and lacking in detail. The background landscape further reveals the influence of the Orthodox School in the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), suggesting that this is a Qing model.(20100710) 内容简介(英文): Ts’ai Wen-chi (b. 177 AD), the daughter of Ts’ai Yung, was captured in 194 by the Hsiung-nu tribe from the north. She lived among the nomads for 12 years, bearing two sons to a chieftain before being ransomed back to China by Ts’ao Ts’ao. This handscroll includes 18 paintings which describe scenes related to the story of Ts’ai Wen-chi and her return to China. Calligraphed after each painting is one of her “Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute”. Though the first and last work bear the seal and signature of Ch’iu Ying, one of the Four Masters of the Ming, the figures throughout appear static and lifeless. Differing somewhat from Ch’iu Ying’s accepted style, this scroll thus was probably done by a later painter using Ch’iu’s name.