主要主题:翎毛雉(锦鸡.雉类) ;次要主题:树木松 ;其他主题:花草月季 玫瑰 蔷薇月季;其他主题:花草鸢尾 ;其他主题:翎毛喜鹊山喜鹊技法:
双钩 苔点 工笔参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第四册,页1550 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页61 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三册,页217-218 内容简介(中文): 宋代花鸟画,法度严谨,注重写生,对于景物皆有详细的观察研究,再以生动的笔墨,使主体跃然于纸上。 本幅设色画双松、射干、月季等植物,再加以山喜鹊、文雉各一对,画面十分热闹,并有祥瑞之寓意。本幅画名虽标为宋人花鸟,但花卉、山禽之画法,己近似明代花鸟画之风韵,疑为后世仿作。 内容简介(中文): 宋代花鸟画,法度严谨,注重写生,对于景物皆有详细的观察研究,并以生动的笔墨,使主体跃然于纸上。本幅设色画双松、射干、月季等植物,再加以山喜鹊、文雉各一对,画面十分热闹,并有祥瑞之寓意。本幅画名虽标为宋人花鸟,但花卉、山禽之画法,已近似明代花鸟画。(20100710) 内容简介(英文): Bird-and-flower painting of the Song dynasty was very exacting in its approach and method, with artists often focusing on “sketching from life” while researching and observing closely from nature to make their works more lifelike. This painting depicts two pines, blackberry lilies, Chinese roses, and other plants, to which have been added a pair of magpies and pheasants, filling the composition with activity and auspicious meaning of joy. Although attributed to a Song dynasty painter, the methods of painting the flowers, landscape elements, and birds are here closer to the style from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), suggesting that this work is a later imitation.(20100710) 内容简介(英文): Sung dynasty bird-and-flower paintings are subject to very high standards. Artists emphasized hsieh-sheng, drawing from life, and based paintings on careful observation. They strove to capture a vivid image, using lively brushwork and ink. Two pines, blackberry lilies, Chinese roses, and other plants are depicted in this painting along with a pair of magpies and pheasants. The composition is filled with activity and has an auspicious meaning. Although this painting is attributed to an anonymous Sung artist, the brushwork of the flowers, plants, mountains, and birds resembles that of Ming dynasty bird-and-flower paintings. This might possibly be a later copy in the Sung dynasty style. 网页展示说明 这幅工笔花鸟画没有作者名款,目前归属为宋人的作品。作者透过长期细密的观察,将大自然中禽鸟的生态描绘出来,是典型的宋人写生风格。松针用细劲的笔触,一笔一笔攒聚成荫,密而不乱。花草、禽鸟在细笔钩勒之后,用色彩层层渍染,匀净自然。透过色调的深浅,传达花叶的正反面和羽毛生长的层次。其中细微之处,令人赞歎,精准到无可增减一分的程度。 网页展示说明 This bird-and-flower painting in the “fine-line” style bears no signature or seal of the artist but is currently ascribed to an anonymous artist of the Sung dynasty. Apparently, after a long period of close observation, the artist here was able to render convincingly the appearance and behavior of birds in nature, making this a typical “sketching-from-life” work of the Sung. The pine needles are done in fine yet strong brushwork, being built up one stroke at a time to suggest shade and appearing dense yet not chaotic. The birds and plants, after outlining in fine brushwork, were filled with layers of color washes appearing uniform and natural. The variation in light and dark hues suggests the layers of plumage as well as the sides of the leaves. The detail is indeed breathtaking and accurate almost to the point of perfection.