收藏着录: 故宫受赠文物选萃,页64-65、156 收藏着录: 李石曾先生赠书画目录,页14-15、64-65 内容简介(中文): 张瑞图(西元一五七0-一六四一年),福建晋江人。曾官至武英殿大学士。工书善画,书法与邢侗、米万钟、董其昌齐名,被并称为明末的四大书家。张氏运笔,喜用侧锋,转折锐利,且笔势多呈横攲。字体的结组,经常排列成狭窄的纵行,行间空白很宽,颇富个人特色,对日本书坛的影响亦极深远。本件为李石曾先生所遗赠,由于是长卷形式,手卷横长的特性,益能展现出张氏活泼跳荡的书风。 内容简介(中文): 张瑞图(西元一五七○-一六四一年),福建晋江人。曾官至武英殿大学士。工书善画,书法与邢侗、米万钟、董其昌并称为明末的四大书家。张氏运笔,喜用侧锋,转折锐利,且笔势多呈横攲。字体的结组,经常排列成狭窄的纵行,行间空白很宽,颇富个人特色,对日本书坛的影响亦极深远。本卷为李石曾先生捐赠。(20120104) 内容简介(英文): Zhang Ruitu, a native of Jinjiang, Fujian, served up to the post of Academician in the Wuying Hall. Excelling at painting and calligraphy, his fame in the latter equaled that of Xing Tong, Mi Wanzhong, and Dong Qichang, leading him to be ranked as one of the Four Late Ming Masters of calligraphy. Zhang often held the brush at a slant so that the tip created sharp twists and turns. With the brush force mostly horizontally slanted, the characters often form narrow vertical rows with considerable spacing. The unusual personal features of his style also had a great influence on calligraphic circles in Japan. This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Li Shih-tseng.(20120104) 内容简介(英文): Chang Jui-t'u, a native of Chin-chiang in Fukien province, served to the post of Academician in the Wu-ying Hall. Excelling at painting and calligraphy, his fame in the latter equaled that of Hsing T'ung, Mi Wan-chung, and Tung Ch'i-ch'ang, leading him to be considered as one of the Four Masters of Calligraphy in the late Ming. In Chang's use of the brush, he often held it at a slant so that the tip created sharp brushwork with twists and turns. With the brush force mostly horizontally slanted, the characters often form narrow vertical rows with considerable spacing between them. The unusual personal features of his style also had a great influence on calligraphic circles in Japan. This work, donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Li Shih-tseng, is in the format of a long handscroll. The horizontal feature of this format made it easy for Chang to express his lively calligraphic manner. 网页展示说明 张瑞图(西元一五七O-一六四一年),福建晋江人。曾官至武英殿大学士。工书善画,书法与邢侗、米万钟、董其昌齐名,被并称为明末的四大书家。张氏运笔,喜用侧锋,转折锐利,且笔势多呈横攲。字体的结组,经常排列成狭窄的纵行,行间空白很宽,颇富个人特色,对日本书坛的影响亦极深远。本件为李石曾先生捐赠,由于是长卷形式,手卷横长的特性,益能展现出张氏活泼跳荡的书风。(20120104) 网页展示说明 Zhang Ruitu, a native of Jinjiang, Fujian, served up to the post of Academician in the Wuying Hall. Excelling at painting and calligraphy, his fame in the latter equaled that of Xing Tong, Mi Wanzhong, and Dong Qichang, leading him to be ranked as one of the Four Late Ming Masters of calligraphy.Zhang Ruitu often held the brush at a slant so that the tip created sharp twists and turns to the strokes. With the brush force mostly horizontal and slanted, the characters often form narrow vertical rows with considerable spacing. The unusual personal features of his style also would have a great influence on calligraphic circles in Japan.This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Li Shih-tseng.(20120104) 网页展示说明 张瑞図(1570-1641)、福建晋江の人。官は武英殿大学士に至った。书に优れ、絵画も善くした。书法では、邢侗、米万钟、董其昌とともに明代末期の四大书家に列せられる。张瑞図は侧锋を好んで用い、転折は锐利で笔势はおおむね倾いている。文字の书き方を见ると、多くの场合、縦に隙间なく并べられ、行间はかなり広く、非常に个性的である。その书は日本书坛に极めて大きな影响を与えた。本作は长巻のため、横に长く広げる手巻の特徴が生かされ、张瑞図の跃动感ある溌剌とした书风がより一层高められている。季石曽氏寄赠。(20120104)