本幅 纸释文:
题跋类别:作者款识;作者:髠残;题跋位置:本幅;款识:虽是山中好。难离宠辱窝。息心机景上。贪染渐消磨。石道人。;书体:行书;全文: 印记:残道者、石谿主题:
主要主题:佛道人物罗汉(应真、尊者) ;次要主题:山水 巖穴技法:
写意 皴法 苔点 人物衣纹描法(粗细线条)参考资料:
收藏着录: 张岳军先生王雪艇先生罗志希夫人捐赠书画特展图录,页183、233-234 收藏着录: 罗家伦夫人张维桢女史捐赠书画目录,页136、180 内容简介(中文): 髡残(西元一六一二-一六九二年),湖南常德人。俗姓刘,明末曾经参加抗清,失败后才出家为僧。作画下笔纵放,大幅作品尤其气势宏伟。 本幅是由罗家伦先生的夫人所捐赠。内容画巖穴中,一名罗汉独自地静坐禅修。下方,画家还自题了一首五言绝句。髡残的作品,虽然以山水题材为主,但偶尔创作的释道人物,同样持续着苍厚古朴的特质,风采引人入胜。 内容简介(英文): K’un-ts’an, a native of Hunan province, originally took part in the resistance against the Ch’ing. After the resistance failed, he became a monk. The brushwork in his paintings is free, and his large works are particularly impressive. This work was donated to the Museum by Mrs. Lo Chia-lun. It shows a grotto where a lohan sits alone in contemplation with his hands resting on his knee. All around him are the craggy features of the grotto walls that create a closed yet focused composition. Below, the artist calligraphed a 5-character truncated verse. K’un-ts’an’s works are mostly landscapes. When he occasionally painted Buddhist figures, he retained the same simple and archaic features that make his style so attractive. 网页展示说明 髡残(1612-1692),湖南常德人。俗姓刘,明末曾经参加抗清,失败后才出家为僧。作画下笔纵放,大幅作品尤其气势宏伟。 此幅内容画巖穴中,一名罗汉独自地静坐禅修。下方,画家还自题了一首五言绝句:「虽是山中好,难离宠辱窝;息心机景上,贪染渐消磨。」髡残的作品,虽然以山水题材为主,但偶尔创作的释道人物,同样持续着苍厚古朴的特质,风采引人入胜。 罗家伦夫人张维桢女士捐赠于民国67年。(20110204) 网页展示说明 Kuncan, a native of Changde in Hunan, originally went by the surname Liu. At the end of the Ming dynasty, he took part in resisting Manchu Qing troops. After this failed, he took the tonsure and became a Buddhist monk. The brushwork in Kuncan’s paintings is untrammeled and free, his large works being particularly vigorous and magnificent. The content of this painting depicts a lohan (Buddhist worthy) sitting alone in serene meditation inside a grotto. At the bottom left is the artist’s inscription of a five-character truncated verse: "Though fine to be in the mountains, ‘tis difficult to leave one’s nest of pampered humility. Ceasing the mind with the scenery, the afflictions of greed gradually are worn away." Kuncan’s works, though mostly on the subject of landscapes, occasionally include religious figures, which also follow in the hoary and simple archaism of his style, bringing the viewer into his works.Mrs. Lo Chia-lun (Ms. Chang Wei-chen) donated this painting to the National Palace Museum in 1978.(20110204) 网页展示说明 髠残(1612-1692)、湖南常徳の人。俗姓は刘、明代末期に抗清活动に加わったが、失败后は出家して僧侣となった。その絵画作品の笔遣いは大胆かつ奔放で、大型の作品はとりわけ気势雄壮である。本作には巌穴(岩窟)内で罗汉が一人静かに座禅を组んでいる様子が描かれている。下の方に画家の自题、五言绝句一首がある。「虽是山中好、难离宠辱窝、息心机景上、贪染渐消磨。」髠残の作品は主に山水を题材としているが、たまに描いた仏教、道教の人物も山水と同じく古风で素朴な味わいがあり、その姿は観る者を惹き付ける。 民国67年(1978)罗家伦夫人张维桢女史寄赠。(20110204)