带杯形嘴和模拟环手柄的瓶子_Bottle with Cupped Mouth and Mock Ring Handles 21400
女舞者(墓雕像)_Female Dancer (Tomb Figurine) 180532
一匹马的头_Head of a Horse 28485
带有山形盖子的圆柱形罐子_Cylindrical Jar with Mountain-Shaped Lid 25207
来自Tomb Chamber的空心砖(可能是Lintel)_Hollow Brick (probably Lintel) from Tomb Chamber 21862
女舞者(墓雕像)_Female Dancer (Tomb Figurine) 80916
棺材的模型与图_Model of a Coffin with Figures 29715
罐子里有锯齿和环绕带_Jar with Sawtooth and Encircling Bands 65877