长方形枕头与鸳鸯在百合池塘_Rectangular Pillow with Mandarin Ducks in a Lily Pond 105530
鸳鸯叶菜_Foliated Dish with Mandarin Ducks 147016
带牡丹喷雾的细长瓶花瓶(Meiping)_Elongated Bottle Vase (Meiping) with Peony Sprays 51423
以蹲伏狮子的形式站立_Stand in the Form of a Crouching Lion 80898
碗里的鱼_Bowl with Fish 48994
用牡丹卷轴菜_Dish with Peony Scroll 21549
茶碗与“油斑”标记_Tea Bowl with “Oil Spot” Markings 193045
菜神话中的牛(Xiniu)在波浪中观看月亮和星座_Dish with Mythical Bovine (Xiniu) Amid Waves Viewing the Moon and Constella
小球状罐与滚动的嘴唇和程式化的叶子_Small Globular Jar with Rolled Lip and Stylized Leaves 193031