以蹲伏狮子的形式站立_Stand in the Form of a Crouching Lion 80898
圆锥形碗与牡丹滚动_Conical Bowl with Peony Scroll 21555
带牡丹喷雾的细长瓶花瓶(Meiping)_Elongated Bottle Vase (Meiping) with Peony Sprays 51423
杯子和立场_Cup and Stand 193042
碗与程式化的叶子_Bowl with Stylized Leaves 42166
戒指杯_Ring-Handled Cup 193043
碗与石榴,牡丹和程式化的叶子_Bowl with Pomegranates, Peonies, and Stylized Leaves 31222
带花喷的鼓形枕头_Drum-Shaped Pillow with Floral Sprays 21632
云形枕头与鱼_Cloud-Shaped Pillow with Fish 59448
有支持云彩状的Headdrest的男孩的枕头_Pillow with Boy Supporting a Cloud-Shaped Headdrest 132148
碗里的鱼_Bowl with Fish 48994