杯子和立场_Cup and Stand 193042
碗与男孩玩牡丹花开_Bowl with Boys Playing amid Peony Blossoms 65889
滚动藤蔓中的儿童杯_Cup with Children among Scrolling Vines 42213
有使用在牡丹花中的男孩的碗_Bowl with Boys Playing amid Peony Flowers 65892
三脚架香炉_Tripod Censer 12517
鸳鸯叶菜_Foliated Dish with Mandarin Ducks 147016
与牡丹喷雾和四个男孩的菜_Dish with Peony Sprays and Four Boys 21450
带花纹花的细长卵形花瓶(眉坪)_Elongated Ovoid Vase (Meiping) with Stylized Flowers 53529
菜鸟与神话中的牛(Xiniu)在波浪中观看月亮和星座_Dish with Mythical Bovine (Xiniu) amid Waves Viewing the Moon and Constel