带环形把手的球形罐_Globular Jar with Ring Handles 80896
三脚架圆柱形罐(连或尊)与生物在山丘,熊形脚_Tripod Cylindrical Jar (Lian or Zun) with Creatures Amid Hills, Bear-Shaped F
一匹马的头_Head of a Horse 28485
与循环把柄的三杯碟_Three-Cupped Dish with Loop Handle 42249
盘绕的猫科动物_Coiled Feline 37525
来自Tomb Chamber的空心砖(可能是Lintel)_Hollow Brick (probably Lintel) from Tomb Chamber 21862
矩形井口_Rectangular Wellhead 57681
塔的顶级故事(墓模型)_Top Story of a Tower (Tomb Model) 12028
三脚架圆柱形罐(连或尊)与Equestrians和生物,熊形脚_Tripod Cylindrical Jar (Lian or Zun) with Equestrians and Creatures,