Foliate Cup和Stand_Foliate Cup and Stand 21653
带动物手柄的大口水壶_Ewer with Animal Handle 25655
花瓶与花纹和花卉装饰_Vase with Figural and Floral Decoration 59466
碗牡丹卷轴,霹雳(金刚)符号和人物舒福(枢密院)_Bowl with Peony Scrolls, Thunderbolt (Vajra) Symbol, and Characters Shufu (
大型栏杆形花瓶_Large Baluster-Shaped Vase 28144
Balambing(菲律宾岛之星水果)形状的Lobed Jar_Lobed Jar in Form of Balambing (Philippine Island Star Fruit) 195399
干珍珠边缘和中央小花_Stemcup with Pearl-Edged Lobes and Central Floret 194163
立场上的微型花瓶_Miniature Vases on Stand 147035