双头龟形式的“砚”_“Inkstone” in the Form of a Double-Headed Turtle 51825
棺材的模型与图_Model of a Coffin with Figures 29715
龙头井口_Wellhead with Dragon Heads 12119
盘绕的猫科动物_Coiled Feline 37525
覆盖三脚架大锅(丁)与几何设计_Covered Tripod Caldron (Ding) with Geometric Designs 21382
与循环把柄的三杯碟_Three-Cupped Dish with Loop Handle 42249
圆柱形罐(连)三个熊形脚和山形盖_Cylindrical Jar (Lian) with Three Bear-Shaped Feet and Mountain-Shaped Cover 57654
山形香炉(博山香炉)_Mountain-Shaped Incense Burner (Boshan Xianglu) 12069
一匹马的头_Head of a Horse 28485
女服务员(墓雕像)_Female Attendant (Tomb Figurine) 21431
矩形井口_Rectangular Wellhead 57681