一个Tayu(一流的名妓)站在她家的门口A Tayu (first class courtesan) standing before the doorway of her house
富士山和七福神Mount Fuji and the Seven Gods of Good Fortune
Karigane Gonin Otoko(Karigane,Five Men)(在Nakamura Theatre制作的剧本,第2个月,1780年)Karigane Gonin Otoko (Kari
演员Ichikawa Danjuro作为武士The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro as a Samurai
六多摩河:陆奥省的野田多摩河The Six Tama Rivers: The Tama River of Noda in Mutsu Province
演员松本幸四四世在戏剧“京成Azuma Kagami”The Actor Matsumoto Koshiro IV in the Play
Shiranami Gonin Otoko(可能)Shiranami Gonin Otoko (probably)