六多摩川:塞津省三岛的多摩河The Six Tama Rivers: The Tama River of Mishima in Settsu Province
Yoshiwara一等妓女Yoshiwara Keisei Sanyu三晚Three Nights of Yoshiwara First-class Courtesans Yoshiwara Keis
走由柳树的夫妇Couple Walking by a Willow Tree
Sofu:一只年轻的武士在一棵盛开的梅花树下遛狗Sofu: A Young Samurai Walking a Dog under a Blossoming Plum Tree
布什鸣鸟栖息在盛开的梅花枝上A Bush Warbler Perched on a Blossoming Plum Branch
一个Tayu(一流的名妓)站在她家的门口A Tayu (first class courtesan) standing before the doorway of her house