Shiranami Gonin Otoko(可能)Shiranami Gonin Otoko (probably)
Yoshiwara一等妓女Yoshiwara Keisei Sanyu三晚Three Nights of Yoshiwara First-class Courtesans Yoshiwara Keis
Sofu:一只年轻的武士在一棵盛开的梅花树下遛狗Sofu: A Young Samurai Walking a Dog under a Blossoming Plum Tree
Karigane Gonin Otoko(Karigane,Five Men)(在Nakamura Theatre制作的剧本,第2个月,1780年)Karigane Gonin Otoko (Kari
一个名妓在她的和服袖子后面说悄悄话A Courtesan Whispering Behind Her Kimono Sleeve
隅田川系列的冬天:四季江户的名胜(Shiki Koto meisho)Winter on the Sumida River Series: Famous Places in Edo in the Fo
走由柳树的夫妇Couple Walking by a Willow Tree
布什鸣鸟栖息在盛开的梅花枝上A Bush Warbler Perched on a Blossoming Plum Branch