
Yabase的入境船(Yabase no Kihan)Incoming Boats at Yabase (Yabase no Kihan)
男孩和女孩争吵在一封信A Boy and Girl Quarreling over a Letter
Beauty Kagiya Osen将她的头发Kamioyu Osen打扮成OnnaThe Beauty Kagiya Osen Dressing Her Hair Kamioyu Osen to O
在开花时间,因为美丽的风景,人们会忘记回家In Blossom Time, One forgets to Go Home because of the Beautiful Scenery
来自Mii Temple的Vesper Bell(Mii no Bansho)Vesper Bell from the Mii Temple (Mii no Bansho)
石山寺的秋天的月亮(Ishiyama no Shugetsu)Autumn Moon Over the Ishiyama Temple (Ishiyama no Shugetsu)
五月雨系列:四季时装(Fuzoku Shiki Kasem)May Rain Series: Fashions of the Four Seasons (Fuzoku Shiki Kasem)
一个年轻的女孩与一个男孩迎接一个年轻人A Young Girl Greets a Young Man with a Boy
调布的多摩川 - 武藏的着名地方The Tamagawa in Chofu - a Famous Place in Musashi Province
隅田川系列的冬天:四季江户的名胜(Shiki Koto meisho)Winter on the Sumida River Series: Famous Places in Edo in the Fo
一位女士站在布鲁克旁边A Lady Standing Beside a Brook
走由柳树的夫妇Couple Walking by a Willow Tree
站立在柳树下的夫人A Lady Standing under a Willow Tree
演员Onoe Kikugoro我作为Samurai Tawara MushanosukeThe actor Onoe Kikugoro I as the Samurai Tawara Mushanos
六多摩川:塞津省三岛的多摩河The Six Tama Rivers: The Tama River of Mishima in Settsu Province