
Tadasu河滩上的突然风暴Sudden Storm on the River Beach of Tadasu
两国系列的烟花:江户的着名景观(Toto meisho)Fireworks at Ryogoku Series: Famous Views of Edo (Toto meisho)
Otsu Gojusan Tsugo Meisho Zu-ye(53个电台的图片插图)Otsu Gojusan Tsugo Meisho Zu-ye (Picture Illustrations of
在开花的桃树栖息的鹦鹉A Parrot Perched on a Blossoming Peach Tree
公鸡节期间的浅草稻田Asakusa Ricefields during the Cock Festival
KameidoTenmangūShrinein Snow亀戸天満宫境内雪(东都名所)Kameido Tenmangū Shrine in Snow 亀戸天満宮境内雪(東都名所)
隅田川系列的冬天:四季江户的名胜(Shiki Koto meisho)Winter on the Sumida River Series: Famous Places in Edo in the Fo
Seki Gojusan Tsugo Meisho Zu-ye(53个电台的图片插图)Seki Gojusan Tsugo Meisho Zu-ye (Picture Illustrations of
Bakurocho的初音没有巴巴Hatsune no Baba at Bakurocho
Yoshiwara一等妓女Yoshiwara Keisei Sanyu三晚Three Nights of Yoshiwara First-class Courtesans Yoshiwara Keis
作为Soga Goro的演员Ichikawa Benzo在戏剧“Harukoma”The Actor Ichikawa Benzo as Soga Goro in the Play
宅間為成/平等院壁画 上品上生 乙
一个名妓在她的和服袖子后面说悄悄话A Courtesan Whispering Behind Her Kimono Sleeve
演员Nakamura Nakazo饰演Kamaya Buhei Beofre参演Inari神社的大门“Fudehajine Soga no Tazusa”The Actor Nakamura Naka
一位女士站在布鲁克旁边A Lady Standing Beside a Brook
演员Ichikawa Danjuro作为武士The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro as a Samurai
Karigane Gonin Otoko(Karigane,Five Men)(在Nakamura Theatre制作的剧本,第2个月,1780年)Karigane Gonin Otoko (Kari