读一封情书的女孩Girl Reading a Love Letter
演员Ichikawa Ebizo饰演Kanshojo崇拜雷神The Actor Ichikawa Ebizo as Kanshojo Worshipping the Thunder God
Ukiye San-yu Sanpukutsui(休闲三位妓女)Ukiye San-yu Sanpukutsui (Three Courtesans at Leisure)
24个孝道典范中的一个与一罐金子One of the 24 Paragons of Filial Piety with a Pot of Gold
一个名妓在她的和服袖子后面说悄悄话A Courtesan Whispering Behind Her Kimono Sleeve
沙卡从山上下降Shaka Descending from the Mountains
三位演员带着一封信Three Actors with a Letter
演员Ichikawa Danjuro作为武士The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro as a Samurai
Yabase的入境船(Yabase no Kihan)Incoming Boats at Yabase (Yabase no Kihan)
金刚鹦鹉栖息的葡萄树A Macaw Perched on a Grape Vine
演员作为OtokodateActor as an Otokodate
站立在柳树下的夫人A Lady Standing under a Willow Tree
六多摩川:塞津省三岛的多摩河The Six Tama Rivers: The Tama River of Mishima in Settsu Province
Tanabata系列:五年一度的节日剧(Imayo gosekku no tawamure)Tanabata Series: Plays of the Five Annual Festivals (I
在夏天和服举行一个开放风扇的美A Beauty in a Summer Kimono Holding an Open Fan