读一封情书的女孩Girl Reading a Love Letter
Yoshiwara一等妓女Yoshiwara Keisei Sanyu三晚Three Nights of Yoshiwara First-class Courtesans Yoshiwara Keis
Ukiye San-yu Sanpukutsui(休闲三位妓女)Ukiye San-yu Sanpukutsui (Three Courtesans at Leisure)
24个孝道典范中的一个与一罐金子One of the 24 Paragons of Filial Piety with a Pot of Gold
一位女士站在布鲁克旁边A Lady Standing Beside a Brook
演员松本幸四四世在戏剧“京成Azuma Kagami”The Actor Matsumoto Koshiro IV in the Play
布什鸣鸟栖息在盛开的梅花枝上A Bush Warbler Perched on a Blossoming Plum Branch
Sofu:一只年轻的武士在一棵盛开的梅花树下遛狗Sofu: A Young Samurai Walking a Dog under a Blossoming Plum Tree
作为Soga Goro的演员Ichikawa Benzo在戏剧“Harukoma”The Actor Ichikawa Benzo as Soga Goro in the Play
沙卡从山上下降Shaka Descending from the Mountains
在镜子前冥想(Omoigoto Kagami Utsushi-ye)Meditating Before a Mirror (Omoigoto Kagami Utsushi-ye)
六多摩河:陆奥省的野田多摩河The Six Tama Rivers: The Tama River of Noda in Mutsu Province