站立在柳树下的夫人A Lady Standing under a Willow Tree
金刚鹦鹉栖息的葡萄树A Macaw Perched on a Grape Vine
布什鸣鸟栖息在盛开的梅花枝上A Bush Warbler Perched on a Blossoming Plum Branch
沙卡从山上下降Shaka Descending from the Mountains
Tanabata系列:五年一度的节日剧(Imayo gosekku no tawamure)Tanabata Series: Plays of the Five Annual Festivals (I
Karigane Gonin Otoko(Karigane,Five Men)(在Nakamura剧院制作的剧本,第2个月,1780年)Karigane Gonin Otoko (Karigane,
一个名妓在她的和服袖子后面说悄悄话A Courtesan Whispering Behind Her Kimono Sleeve
演员,Iwai Hanshiro IV,与他的男仆The Actor, Iwai Hanshiro IV, With His Manservant
六多摩河:陆奥省的野田多摩河The Six Tama Rivers: The Tama River of Noda in Mutsu Province
Sofu:一只年轻的武士在一棵盛开的梅花树下遛狗Sofu: A Young Samurai Walking a Dog under a Blossoming Plum Tree
在樱桃树下的美Beauty under a Cherry Tree