朝来(牵牛花)Asago (Morning Glory)
Aki no Yusho(秋天的暮光之城)系列:从100首诗中选出8种观点Hyakunin isshu mitate hakkeiAki no Yusho (Twilight in Autumn) S
隅田川上的游船A Pleasure Boat on the Sumida River
隅田川上的游船A Pleasure Boat on the Sumida River
Matsukaze(穿过松树的微风)Matsukaze (The Breeze through the Pine Trees)
品川湾的蛤蜊盛宴A Clam Feast on Shinagawa Bay
隅田川上的游船A Pleasure Boat on the Sumida River
Matsukaze(穿过松树的微风)Matsukaze (The Breeze through the Pine Trees)
祖師図_霊雲観桃 ・石鞏張弓・三平開胸 ・?山?瓶・山水