
朝来(牵牛花)Asago (Morning Glory)
Aki no Yusho(秋天的暮光之城)系列:从100首诗中选出8种观点Hyakunin isshu mitate hakkeiAki no Yusho (Twilight in Autumn) S
隅田川上的游船A Pleasure Boat on the Sumida River
隅田川上的游船A Pleasure Boat on the Sumida River
Matsukaze(穿过松树的微风)Matsukaze (The Breeze through the Pine Trees)
品川湾的蛤蜊盛宴A Clam Feast on Shinagawa Bay
隅田川上的游船A Pleasure Boat on the Sumida River
Matsukaze(穿过松树的微风)Matsukaze (The Breeze through the Pine Trees)
Onna Gonin Karigane(五名女士打扮)Onna Gonin Karigane (Five Women Dressed as Men)
在夏天和服举行一个开放风扇的美A Beauty in a Summer Kimono Holding an Open Fan
Sofu:一只年轻的武士在一棵盛开的梅花树下遛狗Sofu: A Young Samurai Walking a Dog under a Blossoming Plum Tree
宅間為成/平等院壁画 上品下生 乙
站立在柳树下的夫人A Lady Standing under a Willow Tree
演员Ichikawa Ebizo饰演Kanshojo崇拜雷神The Actor Ichikawa Ebizo as Kanshojo Worshipping the Thunder God
爱兰读一封情书An Oiran Reading a Love Letter
在镜子前冥想(Omoigoto Kagami Utsushi-ye)Meditating Before a Mirror (Omoigoto Kagami Utsushi-ye)
三位演员带着一封信Three Actors with a Letter