题跋类别:题跋;作者:张瑞图引首静月;书体:行书;全文: 印记:瑞图之印、白毫庵主主题:
收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页4 收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编﹝御书房﹞,下册,页936 参考书目: 1.江兆申,〈沈周书中秋诗 卷〉,收入国立故宫博物院编,《吴派画九十年展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1975年初版,1976年再版,1981年三版),页298。 内容简介(中文): 弘治丙午(一四八六)中秋前一夜,沈周与浦舒菴祝允明及家中子侄七人赏月,曾有十四夜月图并诗,归沈周之友虞山孙艾。今由美国波士顿博物馆收藏,为沈迹传世之精者。此卷书同一诗,时间为己酉(一四八九)八月望后,地点在双峨楼。按波士顿藏画并无年款,系据诗中「舒菴与我六十人」而定为一四八六。据文征明题沈文两先生合卷,是年征明谒周于双峨僧舍,周正作长江万里图,征明歆羨之。周不欲征明以艺事得名,然自此每与征明论绘事。是年周六十三岁,征明二十岁。 内容简介(英文): On the night before the full moon of mid-autumn in 1486, Shen Chou, P'u Shu-an, Chu Yun-ming, and several younger members of Shen's family (seven people in all) gathered to view the moon. On that occasion Shen Chou did the painting "Watching the Mid-Autumn Moon" and inscribed it with poems; it was owned by Shen's friend Sun Ai of Yu-shan. This painting is now in the Boston Museum and is one of Shen Chou's best surviving works. The Palace Museum's handscroll records the same poem but was written on the night after the full moon of mid-autumn in 1489 at the Shuang-o Monastery. Although the Boston scroll is not dated, the poem says "Shu-an and I are sixty years old" (59 by Western count); therefore, it must have been done in 1486. The Palace Museum scroll can be dated by reference to an inscription by Wen Cheng-ming written in the 8th month of 1489 on a handscroll painted by Shen Chou and himself. Wen says that in that year he visited Shen at the Shuang-o Monastery, and Shen did a painting of "Ten Thousand Miles of the Yangtze'. Wen very much admired the painting and asked Shen Chou to be his teacher, but Shen wanted him to earn his reputation as an official rather than as a painter. But the two often discussed painting together. In 1489 Shen Chou was 62 and Wen Cheng-ming 19.