其他主题:山水溪涧、湍泉 ;其他主题:树木竹 主要主题:花草梅(白.红.蜡梅) ;其他主题:翎毛麻雀 ;其他主题:花草水仙 ;其他主题:花草茶花 主要主题:翎毛雉(锦鸡.雉类)锦鸡技法:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第四册,页1541 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页151-152 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三册,页129 内容简介(中文): 汉书五行志:「正月朔日是为三朝。」唐颜师古注:「正月一日为岁之朝」。岁朝,是指一岁之始,此时一元复始,万象更新,历代画家作岁朝图,含有元旦开笔,预祝一年万事吉利之意。本幅绘泉石临流,雉鸡一对,麻雀数只,山茶旁生于老梅干后,绿竹新生于回流之上。水仙、白梅、红茶上下分别盛开,色调朱白相映,通幅设色浓而不艳,一派和熙春色。院藏鲁宗贵「春韶鸣喜」,与此幅布置结构相同。 内容简介(中文): 岁朝,指一岁之始,历代画家作该图,含有元旦开笔,预祝一年万事吉利之意。本幅绘拳石临流,雉鸡一对,麻雀数只,山茶旁生于老梅干后,绿竹新生于回流之上。水仙、红茶、白梅等花上下分别盛开,色调朱白相映,通幅设色浓而不艳,一派和熙春色。旧传为宋人之作,然笔触色调皆不类,疑是明人学吕纪画风。 内容简介(英文): In traditional Chinese accounts, the start of the New Year was celebrated by artists with paintings. The first works were done with auspicious motifs as blessings for a prosperous and happy new year.Appearing in this painting is a pair of pheasants on a rock before a stream. Among the plum branches in bloom above are three sparrows as camellia blossom next to the tree trunk. New shoots of bamboo appear from behind the rock as various blossoms decorate the scene below. The placement of red and white create for a colorful, but not too opulent, painting that reflects the start of a bountiful spring. Though attributed to a Sung artist, the brushwork and coloring suggest that it was studied from the style of the Ming (1368-1644) artist Lü Chi. 内容简介(英文): According to traditional Chinese accounts, the first day of the first lunar month represents the official start of the new year. The myriad phenomena of Nature renew their life-force, and everyone is filled with the hope for a new beginning and good luck in the coming year. New Year paintings celebrate these wishes with auspicious imagery. This scroll shows rocks by a flowing stream, a pair of pheasants, and sparrows. Camellias grow by the trunk of a plum tree and new green bamboo sprout by the stream. The reds and whites of the blossoms are skillfully arranged in harmonious patterns. The colors are beautiful. The composition of this painting is very similar to a painting by the Sung artist Lu Tsung-kuei, also in the Museum's collection.