主要主题:佛道人物罗汉(应真、尊者)罗汉主要主题:树木棕榈 ;其他主题:果蔬桃子 ;其他主题:走兽猴技法:
工笔 人物衣纹描法(匀称线条) 苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 秘殿珠林续编(干清宫),页114 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页175 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第四册,页27-28 参考书目: 1.李玉珉,〈元刘贯道画罗汉〉,收入李玉珉主编,《罗汉画》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1990年初版),页76。 内容简介(中文): 刘贯道(约活动于西元一二七O-一三OO年),字仲贤,中山(今河北定县)人。善画,写御容称旨,补御局使。道释、人物悉宗晋唐古法。山水宗郭熙,花竹鸟兽亦能集诸家之长。 一罗汉正显神通,杖上莲花化出一灵猴献桃,另一罗汉倚石而观。人物衣褶结构疏散,笔笔间衔接不很紧密,但意趣已足。设色浅淡,有清雅脱俗之致。画上有至正十六(西元一三五六)年款,惟刘氏活动年代似未迟至该年。 内容简介(英文): Liu Kuan-tao (style name; Chung-hsien) was a native of Chung-shan (modern Ting County, Hopeh). Excelling at painting and imperial portraiture, he was appointed a commissioner of an imperial bureau. His religious and figure paintings were closely modeled on the ancient methods from the Chin (265-420) and T'ang (618-907) periods, while his landscapes were modeled after those of Kuo Hsi (after 1000-ca. 1090). Liu Kuan-tao was also able to combine the virtues of various painters in his depictions of flowers, bamboo, birds, and other animals. In this painting, a lohan demonstrates his supernatural powers by transforming the carved lotus flower on his cane into a monkey offering a peach. The other lohan leans against a rock watching this manifestation. Even though the figures and drapery lines are cursorily painted and the brushstrokes are not well connected, the intent behind the brushwork is theless sufficient to convey the idea of the forms. The colors are so light as to achieve an air of pure elegance, and they thus remove any traces of commonness. On the painting is an inscription dated to 1356, but Liu Kuan-tao's period of activity appears not to have extended to this year.