题跋类别:作者款识;作者:宋旭;题跋位置:本幅;款识:岁朝报喜图。(八分书)。石门宋旭写。(行书)。;书体:隶书;全文: 印记:宋旭之印、石门山人主题:
主要主题:节令与二十四节气年节岁朝主要主题:建筑桥 主要主题:人物高士(士人、隐士)高士4人;次要主题:人物孩童3人;次要主题:人物侍从(侍女、童仆)童仆4人;次要主题:树木寒林.枯树枯树;次要主题:器用家俱(屏风)桌椅;次要主题:器用香炉.火盆火盆;次要主题:器用童玩爆竹;次要主题:建筑篱笆、围墙围墙;次要主题:建筑房舍 ;次要主题:花草梅(白.红.蜡梅) ;其他主题:花草藤萝 ;其他主题:建筑城墙 ;其他主题:器用文房用具 ;其他主题:器用饮食器 ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海 ;其他主题:山水冬景(雪景) ;其他主题:树木技法:
写意 皴法 皴法斧劈皴人物衣纹描法(粗细线条)参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(重华宫),第三册,页1632 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页430-431 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第八册,页169-170 内容简介(中文): 宋旭,明万历间浙江嘉兴人。字初旸,号石门。后为僧,法名祖玄,又号天池发僧、景西居士。善山水,师法沈石田。山石树木,苍劲古拙,兼长人物。 隔水墙院,一桥直达垣扉,茅屋数椽,梅柳绕居。虚堂中,长者倚案,童子捧壸。炉中正自煖酒,庭中则群儿嬉乐,屋外有客来访,熙熙然盖状年景耳。 内容简介(英文): Sung Hsü was active during the period 1573-1619 of the Ming dynasty. He was a native of Chia-hsing in Chekiang. His style name was Ch’u-yang and his sobriquet was Shih-men. When he became a monk his Buddhist name was Tsu-hsüan and he added another two sobriquets T’ien-chih fa-shang and Ching-his chu-jen. He was a good painter of landscapes, modelling himself on Shen Chou. His mountains, rock, and trees all have an unmannered vigour about them. He was particularly good at painting figures. This painting shows a stretch of water over which the crowded gables of a mansion and courtyard can be seen. A bridge leads to the door and plum and willow trees wind them-selves around the walls. An old man sits on a bench in an inner room whilst a boy proffers a tea-pot. Wine is heating in a stove. In the courtyard a band of happy children play. Outside the house guests arrive to pay a call. The whole picture shows a splendidly bright scene of prosperity.