题跋类别:作者款识;作者:李嵩;题跋位置:本幅;款识:李嵩;书体:行书;全文: 题籤 ;题跋位置:本幅;款识:无;;书体:隶书;全文:李嵩朝回环珮主题:
其他主题:人物帝王 ;其他主题:人物官员(臣) ;其他主题:人物侍从(侍女、童仆) 主要主题:建筑宫殿 ;其他主题:建筑栏杆 ;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风)技法:
工笔 界画 人物衣纹描法(匀称线条)参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(干清宫),第一册,页492 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷六),第四册,页215 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第二十九册,页354-365 参考书目: 1.林莉娜,〈宋李嵩朝回环珮〉,收入林莉娜主编,《宫室楼阁之美 - 界画特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2000年初版),页100-101。 网页展示说明 李嵩(约活动于 1190-1264)为南宋中期画家,生卒年份已不可考,浙江钱塘人。 年少因家境贫穷,曾从事过木工,后因绘画秉赋,获绍兴画院名手李从训(约活动于1120?1160)赏识,纳为养子,传以画艺。李嵩人物、山水、花卉皆长,善用界尺作屋木画,笔致细腻,形神兼备。历光、宁、理宗朝画院待诏,被尊为「三朝老画师」。 此图绘宫殿宦官退班,殿堂建在层叠的台基上,沿铺压阑石一周,四转角处各设角石、角柱石。前殿略低于主楼,为五开间重檐歇山顶,台基有收分,下有平坐,表面有雕浅浮雕花纹。 前殿于当心间设踏道,两侧斜坡垂带其两头直角三角部份为「象眼」,是北宋前后一般所用的砌造方式,与>所绘相同。殿内两侧有踏道通入廊内,周边钩栏,向后矩折,围成庭院。后方中央大殿为重檐十字脊歇山顶,承受屋顶瓦板的构件除檐椽外别加飞椽,增加挑出深度,檐头略呈飞起之势。翼角外蹲兽四枚,前有仙人,檐下置有套兽,宋代以前房屋开间、屋顶装饰是受律法监管,除皇宫外其他房舍不得建重檐,仅二品以上可建斗栱,五品以上可作瓦兽装饰,此图所绘为等级较高的重要建筑物。斗栱由方形的斗升及矩形的栱,斜的批竹昂组成,图中补间、柱头和转角铺作的形式尺度,为>中的规定作了极佳的说明。图上署款「李嵩」与本院所收藏另一张「天中水戏」字蹟相同,是一张极好的南宋界画杰作。(林莉娜) 网页展示说明 Following the central axis of the building shown here takes the viewer from the entrance to the interior along a symmetrical arrangement. This building complex, surrounded by covered walkways, is built directly atop an elevated slab-faced foundation, which has a curb and pier at each end. The entrance hall rests on a tall platform with sloping (entasis) walls and has bracketing and an elevated terrace. A series of steps lead up to the central bay with a railing on either side and the triangular "elephant-eye" pattern below, which correlates to the Sung technique illustrated in Ying-tsao fa-shih (Building Standards). The tall central structure behind has a double-eave roof with a cross-shaped ridge and flying rafters. The ch'ih-wen ornaments at the ends of the main ridge have wide-open mouths and tall curving tails, which are typical of the style from the Sung, Chin, and Liao periods. A animal cap lies below the corner ornaments. Li Sung, a native of Chekiang, was famous for ruled-line painting and served as a court artist under Emperors Kuang-tsung, Ning-tsung, and Li-tsung in the Southern Sung. This work is similar to another work signed by Li Sung in the Museum collection; Dragon Boat. This is the twelfth leaf from the third album of "Yen-yun chi-hui."