题跋类别:作者款识;作者:沈周;题跋位置:本幅;款识:磊落东阳笔下姿。风流崔白未成诗。鹅群本是王家帖。传过羲之又献之。石田老迂沈周画。;书体:行书;全文: 印记:沈氏启南、白石翁、竹庄主题:
次要主题:山水奇石 主要主题:翎毛鹅 ;次要主题:花草玉簪花技法:
写意 皴法参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(重华宫),下册,页798 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页77 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第六册,页271-272 参考书目: 1.江兆申,〈沈周花下睡鹅 轴〉,收入国立故宫博物院编,《吴派画九十年展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1975年初版,1976年再版,1981年三版),页302。 内容简介(中文): 沈周(西元一四二七至一五○九年),江苏长洲人。字启南,号石田,又号白石翁。为人宽厚有大度,能诗文,工书诗,又善山水,并兼工墨画花果、翎毛等。 鹅一只,缩颈半闭其目,睡态蒙眬。坡上一石高耸,前有玉簪花一丛。自题七言绝句一首,款署「石田老迂沈周画」,字迹与八十三岁自题灞桥诗思卷相同,此作完成之时当亦相近。 内容简介(中文): 鹅一只,缩颈半闭其目,睡态蒙眬。坡上一石高耸,前有玉簪花一丛。自题七言绝句一首,款署「石田老迂沈周画」,字迹与八十三岁自题灞桥诗思卷相同,此作完成之时当亦相近。彭年一题,字微弱,经与院藏彭年临苏轼归去来辞卷相较,此题犹稍胜。盖彭年笔性,特不善于苏耳。此作定于正德己巳(一五○九),沈周八十三岁。周于是年八月二日卒,画笔亦渐衰滞不似盛时。 内容简介(英文): 1509/Shen Chou Goose Sleeping under Flowers/ A goose with its neck drawn in and its eyes half-closed seems to be asleep. A tall rock stands on the bank with a tuberose before it. Shen Chou inscribed a four-line stanza of seven-character lines which is signed “The old and vague Shih-t’ien, Shen Chou, painted this.” The characters are similar to his inscription on “Poetic thoughts on the Pa Bridge” written at the age of 82. His other works painted around this time are also related to “Goose Sleeping under Flowers”. The characters in the inscription by P’eng Nien are very weak but can be compared to his inscription on his own calligraphy handscroll, “Copying Su Shih’s Poem ‘Homeward Bound’”, which is even worse. The temperament of P’eng Nien’s brush was not suited to Su Shih’s style. “Goose Sleeping under Flowers” was certainly painted in 1509, when Shen Chou was 82. He died on the 2nd day of the eighth month of the same year. His style had contiued to develop but became rather hard in his last years, lacking the vitality of his prime. 内容简介(英文): Shen Chou (style name Ch’i-nan, sobriquets Shih-t’ien and Pai-shih-wang) was a native of Ch’ang-chou in Kiangsu Province. An accomplished scholar, he was also an able poet, essayist and calligrapher as well as an excellent painter. Although Shen Chou is best known for his landscapes, he was equally talented in depicting flowers, fruits, vegetables, birds and figures in ink. A goose with its neck drawn in and its eyes half-closed seems to be asleep. A tall rock stands on the bank with a plantain lily before it. Shen Chou inscribed a four-line stanza of seven-character lines which is signed “The old and vague Shih-t’ien, Shen Chou, painted this.” The characters are similar to his inscription on “Poetic Thoughts on the Pa Bridge” written at the age of 82. 研究性论着: 沈周(1427-1509),江苏长洲人。字启南,号石田,又号白石翁。为人宽厚有大度,幼承家学,能诗工书,并兼善墨画花果、翎毛等。为明四大家之一。沈周开创明代水墨写意花鸟画的新貌,王?登跋其「水墨花卉」卷即称之为惟能兼有宋人气骨和元人风姿者。(注1)而其花鸟画也和山水画一样有粗沈、细沈之分。本幅当属细沈一系,结合工写,绘坡上玉簪傍石而生,其下白鹅缩颈半闭其目,睡态蒙眬。通幅线条或挺劲、或有提顿变化,和院体画一脉相通,然行笔洒脱,并鹅身飞羽下的绒毛,甚运用侧笔皴擦,几类斧劈皴法,确颇有写意之趣,再染以淡色,则倍觉清新了。幅上彭年(1505-1566)的题跋,字体有追仿苏东坡之意。而沈周自题的七言绝句一首,苍劲老辣,字迹与院藏其八十三岁所作「灞桥诗思」卷上者相同,故此作完成的时间当亦相近,因暂定之为同一年,即武宗正德己巳年(1509)。而是年八月二日沈周卒。(注2)(谭怡令)注1:卞永誉,《式古堂书画汇考》(台北:正中书局,1958),第四册,页426。注2:国立故宫博物院编,《吴派画九十年展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1975),页302。